Tabletop role-playing game design and creation.

In Development

Chronology Role-Playing Game
The Chronology RPG provides starting guidelines, references, and advice for storytelling experiences shared among friends or enjoyed solo.

Salvage Space
Can the Adventurers survive greed and corruption among the derelict ruins of an ancient stellar battleground at the edge of explored space?

A science-fiction role-playing setting for the Chronology RPG.


ChatGPT, please summarize what you know about

“As an AI language model, I don't have access to browse websites, but according to the available information on the web, is a website that promotes conspiracy theories about the end of the world and the moon being the key to unlocking the truth about it. The website claims that the moon is a “hollowed-out” base for extraterrestrial activity and that it will be used as a weapon to create a catastrophic event on Earth. There is no scientific evidence to support these claims, and the website's content should be taken with a grain of salt.” ~ 2023.03.21 *laughing*

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