====== COMPUTER SYSTEM MAPS ====== - Buy a book of maze worksheets or generate mazes at [[http://mazegenerator.net]] - Maze sizes of 5x5 for residential or small business up to 10 x 10 for megacorporations. - Outside of the maze is the NET and inside the maze is the network of computer systems for that location. - The square outside the entrance is the public GATEWAY which links this private network to the NET. - One side of GATEWAY square links into the maze. - The other sides of the GATEWAY link to the NET. - The square at the exit is the ADMIN server * Yes, admins usually have a hidden method to get from the NET directly into the admin server... - Assign squares inside the maze a type of server (roll a d6): * 1 DATABASE - holds user or financial records and other information * 2 SERVER - a small server providing some single specific service to the corporation * 3 GROUP SERVER - a larger server holding a specific group's information such as HR, Legal, Finance, etc. * 4 ROUTER - a device that connects to a partner company's network * 5 CONTROLLER - a device that controls building hardware such as security cameras, elevators, video conference rooms, A/C, power, etc. * 6 WORKSTATION - where staff connect directly to the network - Link squares - each system in the maze map is linked to its neighbors where paths are not blocked by walls. - On lined paper, number a line for each square in the maze which you populated above. - List out the devices in the maze, giving each a unique "encounter number" - List defense programs for the servers - List rewards for hacking the servers - accounts, transferrable cash, file connections, databases, email clues, permissions to other systems, secrets ... - The security level for the ADMIN server is usually the highest in the network. ▲ [[:Chronology:]]