====== CRAFTING ====== ===== CRAFTING CHECK ===== Crafting items in [[:Chronology:]] requires a combination of things to come together: * Resources * Labor / Time * Tools * Ingenuity * Crafting Skill * The inherent difficulty of the item attempted ===== RESOURCES ===== Crafted item needs raw materials, components, or sub-assemblies. Available materials vary by [[Technology Levels]], from naturally occurring through new materials created by chemical processing, to fully synthetic materials at later tech levels. ===== LABOR / TIME ===== One resource is required for all Crafting attempts: Time to perform the resource and tool gathering as well as each step of crafting or manufacturing the result. Some items may be able to be crafted during down time between adventures. Others may be simple enough to craft during an adventure as needed. The Guide can set the required "resource cost" in time needed to craft. Once the time cost has been paid, the task check can be used to determine the quality of the result. Time to gather resources will vary by [[Technology Levels]], generally getting shorter by era. Available labor will vary by [[Technology Levels]] as well, with the addition of early robotics assistance in the Information Age through full Synthetic Intelligent co-assemblers in the Synthetic age and beyond. ===== TOOLS ===== Some items may be able to be assembled with purely manual dexterity. However, other items cannot be crafted without another necessary resource: tools and workspace. The availability of necessary tools may require the crafting to only happen within a workshop or specialized facility rather than while adventuring. Tooling available will vary by [[Technology Levels]]; in general offering only hand-crafting tools in pre-Industrial eras, mass-manufacturing machine shops and tools from the Industrial era onward, through to 3D printing and print-on-demand tooling in the Synthetic era and beyond. ===== INGENUITY ===== Once the resources and necessary tools are gathered, the crafter must apply their personal ingenuity to complete the task. ^ SCORE ^ DESCRIPTION ^ | -10 | Cannot hardly follow instructions carefully laid out. | | -9 | | | -8 | | | -7 | | | -6 | | | -5 | | | -4 | | | -3 | | | -2 | | | -1 | | | 0 | Average Human ingenuity and problem-solving ability | | +1 | | | +2 | | | +3 | | | +4 | | | +5 | | | +6 | | | +7 | | | +8 | | | +9 | | | +10 | World-renowned inventor | ===== CRAFTING SKILLS ===== Crafting different items requires different skills. [[Composing]] (Specific: Music, Poetry) \\ [[Computer Programming]] (Specific) \\ [[Construction]] including Carpentry and Masonry \\ [[Cooking]] \\ [[Counterfeiting]] including Forgery \\ [[Craft]] (Specific: Jewelry, Leather-working, Metal-working, Other Specific, Stone-working) \\ [[Engineering]] (Specific: Civil, Computer, Electrical, Mechanical, Other Specific, Robotics) includes Electronics, Repair, and Traps \\ [[Inventing]] \\ [[Jack-of-All-Trades]] \\ [[Sabotage]] \\ [[Sewing]] including Quilting \\ [[Smithing]] (Specific: Armor, Gun, Iron, Lock, Weapons) \\ [[Weaving]] including Braiding, Knitting, Plaiting \\ [[Writing]] \\ ===== DIFFICULTY ===== Some items may be easy to craft with little skill, while others require years of practice to begin to produce usable results. The Guide can account for this variation by creating a difficulty modifier to the Crafting task check. After the Industrial Age, a Guide may apply bonuses based on the easy availability of mass published crafting guides containing tips and tricks or practical advise beyond the crafter's inherent skill level, or online tutorials and walk through during the Information Age, through co-crafting synthetic intelligences providing specific advice in near future ages and beyond. ===== CRAFT CHECK DEGREE OF SUCCESS ===== ^ DEGREE OF SUCCESS ^ DESCRIPTION ^ | -10 | Unusable, all resources wasted and/or tools damaged | | -9 | One use item with penalty modifier | | -8 | One use item without a penalty | | -7 | Barely serviceable item that wears quickly | | -6 | | | -5 | Low quality | | -4 | | | -3 | | | -2 | | | -1 | | | 0 | Average quality | | +1 | | | +2 | | | +3 | | | +4 | | | +5 | High quality | | +6 | | | +7 | A master work | | +8 | | | +9 | | | +10 | Finest quality ever crafted, once in a lifetime | ▲ [[:Chronology:]]