====== CREATING CITY MAPS ====== **What is the [[Technology Levels|Technology Level]]?** \\ This defines the kinds of structures present, and the materials and techniques used to build them. Across technology levels, the term 'city' represents a typical group settlement of the setting, such traditional groundside city, a futuristic colony, space station, or outpost on some distant world. **What is the [[Magic Levels|Magic Level]]?** \\ Magical construction techniques and defenses against magical attacks alter and expand city construction. **What geography existed before settling the area?** \\ The underlying geography shapes how a city develops. * Cloud castles? * Undersea? * Within caverns? **What waterways existed before settling the area?** \\ **What resources attracted settlers to this area?** \\ Agricultural and mineral resource attract settlers and provide surplus products to trade. **What districts are present in the city?** \\ **What blocks or structures are present in the city?** \\ **What waterways and bridges divide blocks of the city?** \\ **What roadways and alleyways connect the blocks of the city?** \\ **How does the city provide or supply air to the residents?** \\ **How does the city provide or supply water to the residents?** \\ **How does the city provide sanitation services to the residents?** \\ **How does the city provide power services to the residents?** \\ **How does the city provide emergency services to the residents?** \\ * Fire * Medical * Police / Law and Order **How does the city provide defenses or disaster services to the residents?** \\ * Shelters (includes castles and other fortified defenses) **What transportation networks exist?** \\ * Buses * Subways * Trains * Monorails * Flyways * Airports * Seaports * Spaceports **What food distribution networks exist?** \\ **What communication networks exist?** \\ **How does the city adapt to different seasons or weather?** \\ ===== Creating A City Map ===== - Sketch in the geography and land forms such as mountains and hills. - Sketch in the water such as ice, rivers, and lakes. - Sketch in the prevailing plant life of the area. - Place the core city districts - Place the surrounding city districts - Add in roads and bridges - Sketch in the surrounding areas basic usage (such as farms) or resources (such as forests). - Sketch in the remaining animal life present in the area including seasonal migratory animals. - Note any potential seasonal changes such as open field systems or crop rotations. - Note any agricultural, resource, or industrial surpluses and who they might trade to beyond the city map. ===== Additional Resources ===== [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/world-building/city-services-landmarks-and-businesses-in-a-fantasy-setting/|Roleplaying Tips #0141 - City Services Landmarks And Businesses In A Fantasy Setting]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/world-building/city-features-and-flavors/|Roleplaying Tips #0146 - City Features And Flavors]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/rptn/4-city-building-tips-give-cities-flavour-with-districts/|Roleplaying Tips #0418 - 4 City Building Tips Give Cities Flavour With Districts]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/world-building/how-to-build-a-fantasy-city-in-47-seconds/|Roleplaying Tips #0852 - How To Build A Fantasy City In 47 Seconds]] \\ ===== Salvage Space: City Maps ===== ◢ [[:salvage_space:city_maps|Salvage Space: City Maps]] ▲ [[:Chronology:]] :: ◢ [[:Chronology:references#locations_01.b|References: Locations]] ~~DISCUSSION~~