====== CREATING HEXCRAWLS ====== What lies beyond the sandbox region your Adventurers have conquered? The rest of the game world lies just off the edge of the sandbox map, offering the most room but starting with the least detail already known. A hexcrawl offers a much larger area to explore without requiring Guides to prepare everything in advance. Instead, the hexcrawl creates an exploration framework where Adventurers find "what lies next on the map" by direct exploration. The Guide may rely on tables, drop in ready-made adventures as opportunity arises, or create new adventures, such as 5-Room Dungeons, from scratch to "fill in the map" as Adventurers explore. In a fantasy-based game, a hexcrawl may entail explorers venturing into the heart of a newly discovered land to find ruins and new civilizations previously unknown. In a modern game, the hexcrawl might investigate a state or country after a time of great upheaval which brought many changes from what was previously known. For a science-fiction game, the hexcrawl might lead Adventurers into new star systems or sectors of space ahead of settlers, traders, or miners. ===== Core Hexcrawl Design ===== ☐ **HEXCRAWL NAME** \\ What is the hexcrawl region or area called? \\ ☐ **HEXCRAWL APPEARANCE** \\ Start with a blank map and add one previously known area on the edge for a newly discovered area or in the center to allow exploration in all directions ... \\ ☐ **HEXCRAWL TERRAIN** \\ Create a dice table or hex-flower to suggest logical chances of what **terrain** may occur as Adventurers explore the next hex of the map. //Hex Flowers// \\ //[[https://goblinshenchman.wordpress.com/hex-power-flower/|Hex Flower Power by Goblin's Henchman]]// ===== Additional Optional Hexcrawl Design ===== Build a generator table or hex-flower for each of the optional design elements below desired to explore in the hexcrawl. ☐ **HEXCRAWL RUMORS / CLUES / SECRETS** \\ What rumors, clues, and secrets can you place in the current hex that tempt Adventurers into the surrounding hexes? \\ ☐ **HEXCRAWL FACTIONS** \\ Who are the powers Adventurers may run into as they explore, and what are their agendas? \\ ☐ **HEXCRAWL GOVERNMENTS** \\ Who are the public servants of the newly explored areas and who do they answer to? ☐ **HEXCRAWL ORGANIZATIONS** \\ Who are the other groups organized to action and what are their purposes? ☐ **HEXCRAWL LAWS** \\ What legal tripwires lay in wait to snare the Adventurers unexpectedly as they venture further? ☐ **HEXCRAWL POLITICS** \\ What are the driving attitudes causing conflict between the groups in and around the current and neighboring hexes? ☐ **HEXCRAWL CORPORATIONS, UNIONS, OR GUILDS** \\ Who are the commercial and professional groups in and around the hex? ☐ **HEXCRAWL RELIGIONS** \\ What do the populations of the hex and the surrounding hexes believe in? ☐ **HEXCRAWL CUSTOMS** \\ What social tripwires lay in wait to snare the Adventurers unexpectedly in this hex or in neighboring hexes? ☐ **HEXCRAWL LANGUAGES** \\ What languages are spoken or written in this hex and surrounding hexes? ===== Design Worksheet ===== Create note card for each hex of the map that may be explored next session: ^ CORE DESIGN ^ ^ | HEXCRAWL NAME | | | HEXCRAWL APPEARANCE | | | HEXCRAWL TERRAIN | | ^ ADDITIONAL DESIGN ^ ^ | HEXCRAWL RUMORS / CLUES / SECRETS | | | HEXCRAWL FACTIONS | | | HEXCRAWL GOVERNMENTS | | | HEXCRAWL ORGANIZATIONS | | | HEXCRAWL LAWS | | | HEXCRAWL POLITICS | | | HEXCRAWL CORPORATIONS, UNIONS, OR GUILDS | | | HEXCRAWL RELIGIONS | | | HEXCRAWL CUSTOMS | | | HEXCRAWL LANGUAGES | | ===== Additional Resources ===== [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/rptn/episodic-campaigns-part-1-3-ways-to-run-them/|Roleplaying Tips #0607 - Episodic Campaigns Part 1 - 3 Ways to Run Them]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/campaigns/the-best-adventure-structure-for-you/|Roleplaying Tips #0896 - The Best Adventure Structure For You]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/world-building/build-your-world-with-this-cool-map/|Roleplaying Tips #1065 - Build Your World With This Cool Map]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/gm-books/adventure-building-workshop/|The Adventure Building Workshop]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/demonplague/|The Demonplague - Sandbox meets Hexcrawl campaign]] \\ ===== Salvage Space: Star Maps ===== ◢ [[:salvage_space:star_maps|Salvage Space: Star Maps]] ▲ [[:Chronology:]] :: ◢ [[:Chronology:references#plots_and_complications_04.p|References: Plots and Complications]] ~~DISCUSSION~~