====== CREATING LIFEPATHS ====== During Session Zero, the Players each translate their concept for their Adventurer into information on the playsheet used to track their Adventurers' status in the game. ◢ [[Adventurer Playsheet]] Lifepath creation can take the most time building an Adventurer, but can reward the Player with a starting Adventurer packed with added roleplaying opportunities the Player may not have initially considered. Lifepath generation can provide an Adventurer with specific events, their effects, and possible attitudes resulting from those events as a starting point for their backstory. The process usually combines random die rolls with a set of event tables which cover a number of areas of an Adventurer's fictitious past before they began adventuring. Family, childhood events, education, and more can be generated through the lifepath tables to create the background story outline. The events may also, optionally, improve or degrade different combinations of the Adventurer's Attributes, Skills, and Special Effect (SFX) Abilities. After generating the bare bones of a backstory and its initial effects, the Player can then take over and add details to link or expand the events, their effects, and complete the Adventurer's backstory and its impact on them. ===== Core Lifepath Events Design ===== ☐ **LIFEPATH SPECIES EVENTS** * Create a table of specific Events for the [[:salvage_space:Species]] ((FIXME)) ☐ **LIFEPATH ORIGIN EVENTS** * Create a table of specific Events for [[:salvage_space:Origins]] ((FIXME)) ☐ **LIFEPATH BACKGROUND EVENTS** * Create a table of specific Events for [[:salvage_space:Backgrounds]] ((FIXME)) ☐ **LIFEPATH EDUCATION EVENTS** * Create a table of specific Events for [[:salvage_space:Education]] ((FIXME)) ☐ **LIFEPATH PROFESSION EVENTS** * Create a table of specific Events for [[:salvage_space:Professions]] ((FIXME)) ===== Lifepath Effects Design ===== ☐ **LIFEPATH ATTRIBUTE EFFECTS** * For each of Lifepath Event, how do [[:salvage_space:Attributes]] change? * How could that change affect the Adventurer's childhood, early adulthood, and life choices? * What stories might the Adventurer have related to how those Attribute changes affected them growing up? ☐ **LIFEPATH ATTRIBUTE RESERVES** * Set all [[:salvage_space:Attribute Reserves]] to 10 to start out ☐ **LIFEPATH ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES** * List suggested [[:salvage_space:advantages_and_disadvantages|Advantages]] for each changed point of each Attribute Score above zero. * List suggested [[:salvage_space:advantages_and_disadvantages|Disadvantages]] for each changed point of each Attribute Score below zero. ☐ **LIFEPATH SKILL EFFECTS** * List [[:salvage_space:Skills]] gained or lost for each Lifepath Event, if any. ☐ **LIFEPATH SFX ABILITY EFFECTS** * List [[:salvage_space:Special Effects]] (SFX) abilities learned, qualified for, lost, or disqualified for with the Lifepath Event. ☐ **LIFEPATH RESOURCE EFFECTS** * List the [[Starting Resources]] gained or lost with each Lifepath Event. ☐ **LIFEPATH EQUIPMENT EFFECTS** * List the clothing gained or or lost with each Lifepath Event. * List the [[Starting Equipment]] gained or lost with each Lifepath Event. ☐ **LIFEPATH ALLY EFFECTS** * List any allied [[Starting Connections]] gained or lost with each Lifepath Event. ☐ **LIFEPATH CONTACT AND ACQUAINTANCE EFFECTS** * List any neutral [[Starting Connections]] gained or lost with each Lifepath Event. ☐ **LIFEPATH RIVAL OR ENEMY EFFECTS** * List any rival or enemy [[Starting Connections]] gained or lost with each Lifepath Event. ==== Lifepath Effects: Goals, Motivations, and Attitudes ==== ☐ **LIFEPATH GOALS** * List any suggested [[Goals]] gained or lost with each Lifepath Event. ☐ **LIFEPATH MOTIVATIONS** * List any suggested [[Motivations]] gained or lost with each Lifepath Event. ☐ **LIFEPATH ATTITUDES** \\ * List any suggested [[Attitudes]] gained or lost with each Lifepath Event. ▲ [[:Chronology:]] :: ◢ [[:Chronology:references#session_zero_and_sessions_04.q|References: Session Zero and Sessions]]