====== CREATING RELIGIONS ====== A religion consists of a group of people who share a set of beliefs. ===== Core Design ===== ☐ **NAME** \\ What do the followers of this religion call it? ☐ **IDEOLOGY** \\ What do the followers of this religion believe? ☐ **PLOT HOOKS** \\ What secrets does this religion hold? ===== Additional Design ===== ☐ **HIGHER POWER** \\ What higher power or powers do members worship? ☐ **REQUIREMENTS** \\ What requirements and restrictions do members adhere to? ☐ **SIMILARITIES** \\ What other faiths, including in history, may be similar? ☐ **DIFFERENCES** \\ How is this faith different than similar faiths? ☐ **STRENGTH** \\ How strongly (on average) do members of this religion believe and act based upon it? * Adherent * Practicing * Evangelist * Zealot * Fanatic ===== Religious Actions And Events ===== Charitable works \\ Establishing facilities \\ Missions \\ ==== Attributes ==== Consider "rolling up" the following attributes for the religious bloc and consider what each value rolled would mean for it. ☐ **STRENGTH** \\ ☐ **ENDURANCE** \\ ☐ **AGILITY** \\ ☐ **DEXTERITY** \\ ☐ **SPEED** \\ ☐ **APPEARANCE** \\ ☐ **INTELLIGENCE** \\ ☐ **WILL** \\ ☐ **AWARENESS** \\ ☐ **INGENUITY** \\ ☐ **REFLEXES** \\ ☐ **CHARISMA** \\ ===== Designer's Notes ===== Appearance of religions, ideologies, or "-isms" here do not imply an endorsement or advocacy of these forms of thought or action. This is a survey of some of the possibilities that could appear in a setting or campaign and should be viewed in the context of including them only when needed for variety within the setting to increase the fun of playing games within that setting. Research can provide a vast array of other possibilities beyond these example prompts. The inclusion or omission and amount of religion within a fictional setting is a matter for the Adventurers and Guide to decide among themselves. ===== Additional Resources ===== [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/news/rpt121-8-ways-spice-campaign-religion/|Roleplaying Tips #0121 - 8 Ways to Spice Up A Campaign With Religion]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/rptn/rpt124-religions-rpgs-designing-religions-game-world/|Roleplaying Tips #0124 - Religions in RPGs - Designing Religions For Your Game World]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/news/putting-the-gods-back-in-their-place/|Roleplaying Tips #0313 - Putting the Gods Back In Their Place]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/npcs-roleplaying/roleplaying-tips-weekly-e-zine-issue-488-gming-gods-demons-and-immortals-3/|Roleplaying Tips #0488 - GMing Gods, Demons, and Immortals]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/rptn/rpt571-how-to-create-religions-for-your-game-world/|Roleplaying Tips #0571 - How To Create Religions For Your Game World]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/rptn/rpt654-meddling-gods/|Roleplaying Tips #0654 - How to Use Medding Gods to Make Life Very Interesting for Your Players]] \\ ===== Salvage Space: Religions ===== ◢ [[:salvage_space:religions|Salvage Space: Religions]] ▲ [[:Chronology:]] :: ◢ [[:Chronology:references#cultures_01.c|References: Cultures]]