====== CREATING SESSIONS ====== Four overall activities define roleplaying game sessions: - Prepare materials for the next session. - Plan the logistics of holding the next session. - Play the game, holding the session itself. - Review how the session went before looping back. ===== Session Preparation ===== ☐ **UPDATE ADVENTURER PLAYSHEETS** * How have the Adventurers themselves changed since the last session? ☐ **UPDATE ADVENTURER AND NPC RELATIONSHIPS** * How have the relationships between Adventurers and NPCs changed since the last session? * How have the relationships between the NPCs themselves changed? ☐ **UPDATE HOME BASE** * What has changed in the Adventurers' home base? ☐ **UPDATE FACTIONS** * What has changed for the factions in and around the Adventurers' home base? ☐ **UPDATE VILLAINS AND RIVALS** * How have the Adventurers' Rivals plans changed? * How have the Villains' plans changed? ☐ **UPDATE STORY OVERLAYS** * What happens in the background of the world that may be noticed by the Adventurers? ☐ **UPDATE EVENT TABLES** * What are some possible upcoming events in the region which may affect the Adventurers? ☐ **UPDATE MINING CARTS** * Sketch out or fill in anything needed in surrounding hexes which may be explored next session ☐ **UPDATE KNOWLEDGE TABLES** * Rumors * Clues * Hooks * Campaign information ☐ **UPDATE LEGENDS** * What new whispers of legendary sites or foes have spread into the region? * What new hexes or areas have the Adventurers reached which have legendary hooks? ☐ **UPDATE LOOPY TABLES** * Update relevant random encounter tables * Tie into possible hooks, loops * Tie into home base, region, or Adventurer if possible ☐ **UPDATE SPIKES OF DANGER** * What has changed for any of the extremely dangerous threats hiding around the region? ☐ **UPDATE TREASURE TABLE AND REWARDS** * What has changed for the Adventurers and their possible interests and rewards? ☐ **UPDATE OPEN PLOT LOOPS** * What are the next steps of each of the open plot loops or threads? * What are the most likely plots the Adventurers may progress in next game? ☐ **CREATE NEW VILLAIN STORIES** * Introducing a new villain? Give them a story. ☐ **CREATE NEW LOCATION STORIES** * Introducing new locations? Give them a story. ☐ **CREATE POSSIBLE NEEDED 5-ROOM DUNGEONS** * Need to create a quick 5-room dungeon for the next session? ☐ **CREATE POSSIBLE NEEDED MISSIONS** * Need to create a quick mission for the next session? ☐ **CREATE POSSIBLE ENCOUNTERS** * Create needed plans for expected or possible encounters for next session * Consider each of the common five actions for next sesssion encounters ☐ **CREATE POSSIBLE COMBAT PLANS** * Create 3-round combat plan outlines for possible combat encounters ===== Session Logistics ===== ☐ **WHO** * Guide? * Players? * Characters? ☐ **WHEN** * Date? * Start Time? * Estimated Duration? ☐ **WHERE** * Who is hosting? ☐ **WHAT** * Newsletter or other updates? * Game Rulebooks? * Game World? * Adventure? * Maps? * Miniatures or Counters? * NPCs? * Dice? * Pencils and Paper? * Food and Drink? ☐ **HOW** * Tabletop? * Virtual Tabletop? * Voice Chat? * Camera Chat? * Laptops or Mobile Devices? * Bluebook sessions? ===== Session ===== ☐ **CAMPAIGN LOGGER** * Logs * Pages * Track experience points earned ☐ **CAMPAIGN TABLE TOP** * Maps * Tokens * Fog of War ===== After-Session Review ===== ☐ **AWARD EXPERIENCE POINTS** ☐ **REVIEW PLAYER SURVEYS** * Who had fun? * Who had suggestions to make something better? ☐ **REVIEW ENCOUNTERS** * What worked well? * What did not? ☐ **REVIEW COMBAT PLANS** * What worked well? * What did not? * What was too easy? * What was too hard? ☐ **REVIEW SESSION TIMINGS** * What went too fast? * What went too slow? ===== Additional Resources ===== [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/gm-books/adventure-building-workshop/|Wizard of Adventure Storytelling Workshop]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/5-room-dungeons/|Ultimate Guide to 5 Room Dungeons]] \\ [[https://campaign-logger.com/|Campaign Logger]] \\ [[https://ctt.campaign-logger.cloud/|Campaign Table Top]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/rptn/rpt178-5-post-session-player-campaign-development-tips/|Roleplaying Tips #0178 - 5 Post-Session Player and Campaign Development Tips]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/rptn/rpt198-session-checklist-ingredients-successful-game-session-part/|Roleplaying Tips #0198 - The Session Checklist: Ingredients To A Successful Game Session Part I]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/rptn/rpt199-session-checklist-ingredients-successful-game-session-part-ii/|Roleplaying Tips #0199 - The Session Checklist: Ingredients To A Successful Game Session Part II]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/rptn/rpt266-guide-session-notes/|Roleplaying Tips #0266 - A Guide To Session Notes]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/rptn/rpt284-blogging-game-sessions/|Roleplaying Tips #0284 - Blogging Your Game Sessions]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/news/know-your-players-building-your-session-checklist/|Roleplaying Tips #0352 - Know Your Players - Building Your Session Checklist]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/news/know-your-players-part-2-building-your-session-checklist/|Roleplaying Tips #0358 - Know Your Players Part 2 - Building Your Session Checklist]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/rptn/reduce-session-cancellations-with-an-on-call-player/|Roleplaying Tips #0441 - Reduce Session Cancellations with an On-Call Player]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/rptn/minis-in-sessions-20-tips-tactical-and-story/|Roleplaying Tips #0537 - Minis In Sessions - 20 Tips (Tactical and Story)]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/gm-techniques/rpt581-the-first-15-a-key-gm-technique-for-great-game-sessions/|Roleplaying Tips #0581 - The First 15 - A Key GM Technique For Great Game Sessions]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/rptn/rpt608-episodic-campaigns-part-2-tips-and-session-ender-narration-tool/|Roleplaying Tips #0608 - Session-Ender Narration Tool]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/running-games/gming-your-first-game-session-d12-tips-2/|Roleplaying Tips #0703 - GMing Your First Game Session - d12 Tips]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/running-games/panicked-prep-for-next-session/|Roleplaying Tips #0714 - Panicked Prep for Next Session]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/gm-techniques/explosive-session-starts-part-cajun-spice-list/|Roleplaying Tips #0737 - Explosive Session Starts Part 1: The Cajun Spice List]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/gm-techniques/explosive-session-starts-part-ii-stakes-consequences/|Roleplaying Tips #0738 - Explosive Session Starts Part II: Stakes and Consequences]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/running-games/explosive-session-starts-part-iii-the-encounter-pyramid/|Roleplaying Tips #0740 - Explosive Session Starts Part III: The Encounter Pyramid]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/running-games/what-should-you-do-with-first-sessions/|Roleplaying Tips #0743 - What Should You Do With First Sessions?]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/running-games/gming-your-first-game-session-d12-tips-3/|Roleplaying Tips #0772 - GMing Your First Game Session - d12 Tips]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/world-building/do-this-now-every-session-for-easy-world-building/|Roleplaying Tips #0811 - Do This Now Every Session For Easy World Building]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/running-games/a-quick-tip-on-session-prep/|Roleplaying Tips #0916 - A Quick Tip On Session Prep]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/running-games/two-fun-ways-to-add-games-to-your-sessions/|Roleplaying Tips #0959 - Two Fun Ways To Add Games To Your Sessions]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/running-games/fix-session-problems-before-game-day-by-doing-this-simple-exercise/|Roleplaying Tips #0985 - Fix Session Problems Before Game Day By Doing This Simple Exercise]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/running-games/how-do-you-pace-game-sessions-well/|Roleplaying Tips #1022 - How Do Your Pace Game Sessions Well?]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/running-games/get-into-gamespace-faster-with-a-good-session-warm-up/|Roleplaying Tips #1025 - Get Into Gamespace Faster With A Good Session Warm-Up]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/running-games/d6-ways-to-spice-up-next-session-2/|Roleplaying Tips #1032 - d6 Ways To Spice Up Next Session]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/running-games/3-quick-tips-for-taking-session-notes/|Roleplaying Tips #1061 - 3 Quick Tips For Taking Session Notes]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/adventure-building/3-tips-for-better-sessions/|Roleplaying Tips #1082 - 3 Tips For Better Sessions]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/running-games/better-session-kick-offs-the-warm-up-trick/|Roleplaying Tips #1087 - Better Session Kick-Offs -- The Warm Up Trick]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/running-games/checklist-compelling-session-alerts/|Roleplaying Tips #1094 - Checklist: Compelling Session Alerts]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/running-games/unpack-last-session-to-loopy-plan-next-game/|Roleplaying Tips #1100 - Unpack Last Session To Loopy Plan Next Game]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/players-characters/how-to-help-new-players-have-a-blast-with-their-first-session/|Roleplaying Tips #1127 - How To Help New Players Have A Blast With Their First Session]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/running-games/7-ways-to-improve-virtual-and-online-game-sessions/|Roleplaying Tips #1144 - 7 Ways To Improve Virtual And Online Game Sessions]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/running-games/9-ways-to-prep-for-sessions-faster/|Roleplaying Tips #1172 - 9 Ways To Prep For Sessions Faster]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/adventure-building-campaigns/visual-aid-session-prep-with-the-five-room-dungeon/|Roleplaying Tips #1174 - Visual Aid Session Prep With The Five Room Dungeon]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/running-games/how-to-start-every-session-with-a-bang/|Roleplaying Tips #1176 - How To Start Every Session With A Bang!]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/running-games/how-can-you-take-fast-notes-during-sessions/|Roleplaying Tips #1185 - How Can You Take Fast Notes During Sessions?]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/players-characters/3-ways-your-players-can-help-you-out-next-session/|Roleplaying Tips #1197 - 3 Ways Your Players Can Help You Out Next Session]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/players-characters/d6-tips-for-a-players-first-session/|Roleplaying Tips #1206 - d6 Tips For A Player's First Session]] \\ [[https://www.roleplayingtips.com/running-games/how-to-create-engaging-session-recaps-to-get-players-ready-to-play/|Roleplaying Tips #1215 - How To Create Engaging Session Recaps To Get Players Ready To Play]] \\ ▲ [[:Chronology:]] :: ◢ [[:Chronology:references#session_zero_and_sessions_04.q|References: Session Zero and Sessions]]