====== CREDITS ====== Chronology \\ A Role-Playing Game \\ Copyright (c) 2014-2025 by R. Allen Murphey //[[chronology:A Nickname and a Lead]]// by Mark "@Voxel" Dowman Dedicated to: \\ My amazing wife, Carrie \\ My astounding daughter, Melanie \\ My extraordinary son, Robbie \\ My amusing cats, Sir Gizmo Belvedere, Mr. Fox and Biscuits, Butter, and Scrappy Noodles Longstockings \\ With Thanks to my fearsome Playtesters: \\ Baxu "Bax" Zanthi (aka Mark) \\ Samuel "Sam" Wise (aka Jeff) \\ Squeebo the Serene Squid Whose Squirmy Tentacles Soothed Souls Squeezing Kindness from Squalls (aka Melanie)\\ and those who inspired me along the way: \\ Bobbie and J.W. who let me to roll up my first fighter. \\ Greg Frederick, Brian Goss, Matt McGee, Bruce Runnels, Akos Szederjei, Aaron Conklin, Barry Nakazono, Ray Solomon, and Johnn Four for listening With Grateful Acknowledgements to: \\ E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson for Dungeons and Dragons \\ Don Saxon for Superhero '44 \\ Marc Miller for Traveller \\ James F. Dunnigan for the Wargames Handbook \\ Steve Jackson for GURPS and Game Design Vol. 1 \\ Barry Nakazono and Dave McKenzie for Living Steel \\ Monte Cook, Jonathan Tweet, and Skip Williams for D20 \\ Ashok Desai for Myriad \\ Jennell Jaquays for Central Casting \\ David Macaulay for Castles \\ Robert J. Blake for The Town of Baldemar \\ Stephen Abrams and April Abrams for Carse \\ John Kim and Bloody Stupid Johnson for the Design Alternatives Archive \\ S. John Ross for Medieval Demographics Made Easy \\ David Noonan and James Wyatt for Building a City \\ Brewster Kahle and a cast of thousands for the Internet Archive \\ Jimmy Wales and a cast of millions for Wikipedia \\ Winchell Chung for Project Rho and Atomic Rockets \\ Ed Diana for AstroSynthesis and Inspiration Pad \\ Joe Mays for so many great Inspiration Pad tables \\ John Josten for Grain Into Gold \\ Johnn Four and Jochen Linneman for Roleplaying Tips and Campaign Logger \\ The Campaign Studio crew (Kyle, Karen, Dave, Mike, Nelson, Ray) \\ Mozart and Beethoven for the beautiful music \\ ▲ [[:Chronology:]]