====== POINT BUY GENERATION ====== Players start Point-buy Generation with an amount of points to spend improving their Adventurer. ===== Starting Attribute Scores ===== For Chronology Point-Buy, all 12 Attributes start at -10, the lowest value possible. The Player then increases these by spending starting points. ===== Starting Point Pool ===== Depending on how powerful the Guide wants adventurers in their Campaign to be, the Guide will give the players different amounts of starting points to modify their adventurers with. ^ Adventurer Starting Capability ^ Attribute Points ^ All 12 Attributes Start At ^ | Minimal | 48 | -6 | | Challenged | 60 | -4 | | Below Average | 96 | -2 | | Average (Recommended) | 120 | +0 | | Heroic | 144 | +2 | | Superheroic | 168 | +4 | | Godlike | 192 | +6 | Players may then remove up to 3 points from an Attribute, lowering it below average, and apply those points to other Attributes to raise them above Average. An Attribute may not be lowered below -5 or raised above +5 this way. After purchasing starting Attribute Scores, Players set and choose the following: * [[:salvage_space:Attribute Reserves]] * [[:salvage_space:Advantages and Disadvantages]] ===== Spend Remaining Points ===== Players may spend points to purchase Templates (of varying costs each) to customize the following parts of their Adventurer if desired: * [[:salvage_space:Species]] * [[:salvage_space:Origins]] * [[:salvage_space:Backgrounds]] * [[:salvage_space:Education]] * [[:salvage_space:Professions]] Players may also spend remaining points purchasing the following additional elements for their Adventurer: * [[:salvage_space:Skills]] * [[:salvage_space:Special Effects]] (SFX) abilities * [[Starting Resources]] * [[Starting Equipment]] * [[Starting Connections]] ===== Finalizing ===== Adventurers usually will not use spend points to purchase: * [[Goals]] * [[Motivations]] * [[Attitudes]] Players select these based on their Adventurer concept. ▲ [[:Chronology:]] ~~DISCUSSION~~