====== SALVAGE SPACE: ACTIONS IN COMBAT ====== If a fight breaks out, Adventurers have moments to act or react. Some of the choices include: ☐ **TAUNT** \\ Adventurers may improve their situation by intentionally angering or distracting the opposition. ☐ **PARLEY** \\ Adventurers may attempt to de-escalate the violence by calling for peace or negotiation. ☐ **MOVE** \\ The opposition calls Adventurers who stand still in a fight by the name "target." ☐ **DROP PRONE** \\ Adventurers surprised or under fire may drop to the ground to present a smaller target area. ☐ **CRAWL** \\ Adventurers may keep slowly moving by crawling while prone which may allow more effectively using low cover such as short walls or vehicle bodies. ☐ **GET UP** \\ Adventurers who need to move more quickly than a crawl must first get to their feet. ☐ **WALK** \\ Moving slowly, perhaps to patrol an area, minimize motion to reduce chance of detection, avoid making excessive noise, or allow enough time to carefully scan a battlefield while devising strategy or tactics. ☐ **RUN** \\ Sometimes, Adventurers need to move as quickly as possible without taking time to aim or attack. ☐ **DODGE** \\ Adventurers may have time to avoid incoming slow attacks from hand weapons or vehicles by getting out of the way. ☐ **RETREAT** \\ Adventurers in a losing situation may work to disengage from combat through a careful retreat. ☐ **FLEE** \\ When panic overwhelms logic and reason, sometimes Adventurers or their opponents simply head for the safest place possible. ☐ **DRAW WEAPON** \\ Adventurers or their opponents must ready their weapons before they can use them. ☐ **RELOAD** \\ Adventurers must monitor their weapon's ammunition levels and reload as necessary to continue using the weapon. ☐ **SHEATHE / HOLSTER WEAPON** \\ Adventurers may pull or return a weapon to its carrier. ☐ **AID ANOTHER** \\ Adventurers may stop attacking to help others instead such as helping move, provide first aid, or assist with repairs. ☐ **USE ITEM** \\ Adventurers may setup, use, or tear down equipment. ☐ **USE SKILL** \\ Adventurers may take advantage of a trained skill rather than attack. ☐ **USE SPECIAL EFFECT ABILITY** \\ Adventurers may prepare or activate a Special Effect (SFX) such as magical spell, power, or psionic ability. ☐ **UNARMED HAND-TO-HAND** \\ Adventurers or their opponents may simply brawl with an opponent near them. ☐ **ATTACK** \\ Adventurers or their opponents may simply attack using fingers as claws, fists, feet, elbows, knees, or even their teeth. ☐ **BLOCK** \\ Adventurers or their opponents may try to deflect hand-to-hand attacks using their own arms, legs, or shields rather than attempt to dodge. ☐ **BOXING** \\ Adventurers or their opponents trained in boxing may use that training for specialized hand-to-hand attacks and defense. ☐ **WRESTLING** \\ Adventurers or their opponents trained in wrestling may use that training's movements to grapple, trap, or pin opponents. ☐ **MARTIAL ARTS** \\ Adventurers or their opponents specializing in martial arts forms may use that training to shape hand-to-hand combat. ☐ **ARMED HAND-TO-HAND** \\ Adventurers or their opponents may reach for a hand weapon rather than rely solely on their fists, feet, elbows, and knees. ☐ **THROWING WEAPONS** \\ Adventurers or their opponents may choose to attack those outside of arms' reach by throwing projectile weapons such as rocks, knives, or explosives such as grenades. ☐ **ARCHERY** \\ Adventurers or their opponents may attack from a distance using drawn bows and arrows of many types. ☐ **SHOOTING FIREARMS** \\ Adventurers or their opponents may attack from a great distance using firearms, mortars, or missiles. ☐ **AIM** \\ Adventurers or their opponents may improve the accuracy of their ranged attacks by spending additional time to aim rather than fire snap shots. ▲ [[:Chronology:]]