====== SALVAGE SPACE: MASS SOCIAL CONFLICT ====== Many groups engage in soapbox, influence, and media actions such as information and disinformation campaigns, public debates, and protests before physical battles break out Adventurers may willingly or unwillingly participate in these mass social conflicts by allying themselves with, joining in, or even instigating one or more sides making a stand. The Adventurers may work as an independent group or coordinate with other factions. ===== Withdraw / Escape ===== The Adventurers may have no stake in the events or conflict and simply seek to withdraw from the conflict. ☐ **PERSUASION** \\ The Adventurers may try to talk their way out of it, nicely... ☐ **DECEPTION** \\ The Adventurers may try to lie and bluff their way out. ☐ **COMMAND / LEADERSHIP** \\ The Adventurers may try exerting some command from a position of authority to deflect or redirect the conflict. ===== Scouting Missions ===== The Adventurers may possess skills or abilities which aid collecting, relaying, or analyzing information or "intel" valuable to one or more factions party to the conflict. ☐ **INTERROGATION** \\ The Adventurers may survey a group or canvass an area, overtly or covertly to gather information or measure sentiment. ===== Diplomatic Missions ===== The Adventurers may open, carry, or contribute to **Persuasive** or **Romantic** exchanges to improve diplomatic ties between factions of the conflict. ☐ **COMMAND / LEADERSHIP** \\ The Adventurers may spearhead direct diplomatic operations through influence with their factions. ☐ **PERSUASION** \\ The Adventurers may attempt presenting a case and negotiating between factions. ===== Subterfuge Operations ===== The Adventurers may act covertly to undermine, hinder, distract, or misdirect one or more factions in the conflict. ☐ **DECEPTION** \\ The Adventurers may spread targeted disinformation. ☐ **SEDUCTION** \\ The Adventurers may convert key members of the opposition. ☐ **INTIMIDATION** \\ The Adventurers may attempt to bluster opposition factions into withdrawing. ===== Support / Supply Operations ===== The Adventurers may provide support or supply operations in the face of and despite determined or hostile opposition, such as delivering critical supplies or search and rescue operations. ☐ **COMMAND / LEADERSHIP** \\ The Adventurers may leverage charm, command or organization skills to facilitate or improve a faction's social campaign. ===== Sabotage Missions / Battles ===== The Adventurers may carry out harmful or destructive sabotage actions, assassinations, or join into battles against one or more of the factions in the conflict. ☐ **COMMAND / LEADERSHIP** \\ The Adventurers may lead the charge as the face of opposition to some faction. ☐ **INTERROGATION** \\ The Adventurers may capture and interrogate key members of the opposition. ☐ **TERROR** \\ The Adventurers may attempt scare tactics or blackmail to subvert the opposition. ▲ [[:Chronology:]] ~~DISCUSSION~~