====== Metxibatu ====== The [[Alliance]] built the [[Sunfire Stations]] to collect solar power to drive interstellar communications and recharge and repair the jump ships that visit [[Niecti]] system. ===== Structure ===== Each Sunfire Station follows the same basic structure: a hexagonal frame, a kilometer a side, slowly spinning around its empty central axis, floating perpendicular above the surface of [[Hipparcos 1368]]. Each side of the hexagon splits apart, allowing the corners to spread further apart during intense power collection activity, such as flare harvesting. Automated machinery and support equipment fills most of the structure. ===== Additional Roles ===== [[Metxibatu]] Station currently also serves as the Entry Port for Alliance customs and immigration which includes handling bulk cargo traffic back and forth from the jump ship itself, routing cargoes by various inspectors depending on origin and destination. ===== Core Structure Design ===== :!: Complete these details ☐ **STRUCTURE DESCRIPTION** \\ What is the structure commonly called? \\ Who manufactures it? \\ What does the Adventurer need to know about this structure on first impressions? \\ ☐ **STRUCTURE USE**\\ What does the structure look like or do when approached or entered? \\ What do Adventurers see, hear, feel, smell, or taste regarding this structure while in use? \\ ☐ **STRUCTURE GAME PLAY** \\ What uses or effects will this structure have on the Adventurers' game? \\ Does the structure have any adventure hooks waiting to be discovered? \\ ===== Extended (Optional) Structure Design ===== ☐ **STRUCTURE TYPE** \\ A general classification or grouping for the structure. \\ What category of structure is this? \\ **Stations**: Orbital outpost or colony structures. ☐ **STRUCTURE PURPOSES** \\ Does the structure have a primary, secondary, or tertiary use? ☐ **STRUCTURE MAP** \\ Layouts? Deckplans? \\ Where is the structure located? Orbits? \\ Why was this location chosen? \\ Surrounding land? Fencing / boundaries? Roofing? Flooring? \\ Entrances? Exits? Windows? Interior Walls? Stairs? Lifts? \\ Attics? Lofts? Basements? Single or multi-level? \\ Roads? Trails? Paths? \\ ☐ **STRUCTURE FRAME** \\ Structural framework? Trusses? Excavated? \\ ☐ **STRUCTURE HULL / CLADDING** \\ Pressure hull? Outer hull? ☐ **STRUCTURE POWER PLANTS / FUEL / COOLING** \\ Reactors? Radiators? Heat sinks? ☐ **STRUCTURE CONTROLS** \\ Cockpit? Bridge? Workstations? \\ Trap triggers and resets? ☐ **STRUCTURE LIFE SUPPORT / MEDICAL** \\ Colony self-sufficiency? Imports? Exports? \\ Outpost resupply (fuel or power, air, water, food, medical supplies)? \\ How many occupants is the structure designed to support? \\ Crew shifts / rotations? Bunks? Berths? Barracks? Officer and passenger staterooms? Animal pens? \\ Wardroom? Recreation areas? \\ ☐ **STRUCTURE BAYS** \\ Passengers? Cargo? Weapon mounts? Ammunition? \\ External Cargo Support (Grapples, tie downs, tracks/rails, robotics) \\ Pressurized cargo? Strongrooms? ☐ **STRUCTURE OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT** \\ What communications infrastructure does this structure need? \\ Internal sensors? External sensors? \\ Countermeasures? \\ Other technology or innovations that set this structure apart? \\ ☐ **STRUCTURE COMPUTERS** \\ Navigation? Damage control? Fire control? Avionics? \\ Mission-specific software \\ Function Library (Integral Functions) \\ Program Library (Modular Functions) \\ ☐ **STRUCTURE NETWORKS** \\ Power network? \\ Transportation network? \\ Water and sewage networks? \\ Information networks? \\ Access Nodes: where are they and what interfaces are supported? \\ Data Nodes: Where are the data nodes and what do they contain? \\ Interface Nodes: Where are they and what devices do they control? \\ Processing Nodes: Where are the processing nodes and what data can they manipulate? \\ Routing Nodes: Where are they and how do they connect other nodes? \\ ☐ **STRUCTURE ROBOTICS** \\ ☐ **STRUCTURE TOOLS** \\ ☐ **STRUCTURE ARMOR** \\ ☐ **STRUCTURE SHIELDS** \\ ☐ **STRUCTURE SCREENS** \\ ☐ **STRUCTURE WEAPONS / AMMUNITION** \\ Turrets? Bays? Close in defense? Spinal mounts? ☐ **STRUCTURE MODULES / SUB-STRUCTURES** \\ Laboratories? Observatories? Manufacturing? Shelters? Escape pods? ☐ **STRUCTURE SUPPORT SERVICES** \\ Waste disposal? Recycling? Deliveries? Fueling? Repairs? Healthcare? Education? Daycare? Parking? Security? \\ Natural disaster recovery? ===== Setting-Based Design Elements ===== ☐ **TECH LEVELS**\\ Starting and Ending Tech Level Availability \\ When does the structure come into use as a prototype or as a common item? \\ What Tech Levels are this structure appropriate in? \\ When do the structure's technical abilities manifest? \\ (-10 to 0 to +10) ☐ **MAGIC LEVELS**\\ Starting and Ending Magic Level Availability \\ What Magic Levels are this structure appropriate in? \\ When do the structure's magical abilities manifest? \\ (-10 to 0 to +10) ☐ **SOURCE**\\ Where does an Adventurer obtain this structure? (craft person, corporation, maker template) ☐ **COST** \\ What does the structure cost in which currency? ☐ **RESTRICTIONS**\\ Are there legal issues or requirements to obtain, possess, or use this structure? (None, Licensed, Illegal/Black Market) ===== System- or Mechanics-Based Elements ===== ☐ **ENVIRONMENTS** \\ Are there requirements or constraints to use this structure in specific environments? (land, sea, air, interface, orbit, space) ☐ **MASS**\\ How heavy or bulky is the structure when carried or transported? ☐ **USES/SIZE/CAPACITY**\\ How many times or how often may an Adventurer use this structure? (1-unlimited) \\ Are traps only sprung once? ☐ **REQUIRES**\\ Does this structure require an Adventurer to possess or use other items at the same time? ☐ **EFFECTS**\\ What benefits and detriments will an Adventurer gain from using this structure? \\ Does the item or service alter the wearer's or operator's abilities or reserves? \\ ☐ **STRENGTH** (-10 to 0 to +10) \\ Does this structure grant a bonus or cause a penalty to the wearer's Strength? \\ How durable is this structure? \\ How much capacity or lifting ability does the structure possess? \\ Gee-tolerance? \\ Strength Reserves: Structural Damage? Takeoff/Landing Capacity? ☐ **ENDURANCE** (-10 to 0 to +10) \\ How much damage can this structure take? \\ How tough is the structure superstructure and armor plating? \\ Life support capacity? \\ Endurance Reserves: Supplies? superstructure and hull armor points? Life support reserves? \\ ☐ **AGILITY** (-10 to 0 to +10) \\ Does this structure grant a bonus or cause a penalty to the wearer's Agility or movement? \\ How maneuverable is the structure as a whole? \\ Agility Reserves: maneuvering delta-V? ☐ **DEXTERITY** (-10 to 0 to +10) \\ Does this structure grant a bonus or cause a penalty to Adventurer's Dexterity? \\ How maneuverable are the structure's, such as cargo loaders or handlers or Damage Control robotics? \\ Dexterity Reserves: Damage control robotics capacity? ☐ **SPEED** (-10 to 0 to +10) \\ Does this structure grant a bonus or cause a penalty to Adventurer's Speed? \\ How fast is the structure's drive system? \\ How fast does the structure itself operate for Acceleration/Deceleration? \\ Speed Reserves: Units of Delta-V? ☐ **APPEARANCE** (-10 to 0 to +10) \\ How attractive or stylish does this structure interior and exterior appear? \\ Appearance Reserves: cosmetic / appearance damage? So called "smart structures" may add electronics, computers, bio-engineering, and synthetics bringing mental abilities into play. ☐ **INTELLIGENCE** (-10 to 0 to +10) \\ Does this structure grant a bonus or cause a penalty to the Adventurer's Intelligence during use? \\ How autonomous or aware is the structure? \\ Intelligence Reserves: Throughput before maintenance? concurrent compute capacity / maintenance downtime? ☐ **WILL** (-10 to 0 to +10) \\ Does this structure grant a bonus or cause a penalty to the Adventurer's Willpower or Will-based activity such as spell-casting, mysticism, or psionics? \\ How strong is the structure effect or personality? \\ Software robustness, mission completion \\ Will Reserves: security rating? resistance to hacking? software damage control? ☐ **INGENUITY** (-10 to 0 to +10) \\ Does this structure grant a bonus or cause a penalty to the Adventurer's Ingenuity or creativity? \\ How capable is the structure of creatively working around obstacles to orders, repairing damage, or making self-modifications? \\ Ingenuity Reserves: Stability before crashing? Damage Control Reserves? How much capacity for self-programming can be used before ship's computer runs out? ☐ **AWARENESS** (-10 to 0 to +10) \\ Does this structure grant a bonus or cause a penalty to the Adventurer's Awareness or observation abilities? \\ How sensitive are the structure internal and external sensors? \\ Are there any hidden attributes exposed to those with high [[Awareness]]? \\ Awareness Reserves: sensor capacity such as targeting computer number of traceable targets? | ☐ **REFLEXES** (-10 to 0 to +10) \\ Does this structure grant a bonus or cause a penalty to the Adventurer's Reflexes or response times? \\ How fast does the structure react to events? \\ Reflex Reserve: Multi-tasking capacity? ☐ **CHARISMA** (-10 to 0 to +10) \\ Does this structure grant a bonus or cause a penalty to others perception of the Adventurer? \\ How is the structure personality perceived by others it interacts with? \\ Charisma Reserves: patience? ☐ **DEGREE OF SUCCESS** \\ Are there any notes relevant to specific Degrees of Success when using this structure? (-10 to 0 to +10) ☐ **ADDITIONAL ATTRIBUTES OR POWERS**\\ What additional abilities or powers does this structure impart or possess? ☐ **ALLOWED FOR STARTING ADVENTURERS?**\\ Is this structure allowed for starting Adventurers? ☐ **TOOLS OR SPELLS(S) REQUIRED TO USE**\\ What tools or spells would an Adventurer need to use this structure? ☐ **SKILL(S) REQUIRED TO USE**\\ What skills would an Adventurer need to use this structure? ☐ **CRAFTING RESOURCES** \\ What resources and time are required to craft this structure? ☐ **SKILL(S) REQUIRED TO CRAFT**\\ What skills would an Adventurer need to craft this structure? ☐ **TOOLS OR SPELLS(S) REQUIRED TO CRAFT**\\ What tools or spells would an Adventurer need to craft this structure? ☐ **CRAFTING RECIPE**\\ What steps are required to craft this structure? \\ ☐ **IMPROVEMENTS OR UPGRADES** \\ What resources, skills, tooling, and time are required to improve or upgrade this structure? ☐ **REPAIR RESOURCES** \\ What resources and time are required to repair or refurbish this structure after use or if damaged? ☐ **SKILL(S) REQUIRED TO REPAIR**\\ What skills would an Adventurer need to repair this structure? ☐ **TOOLS/SPELLS(S) REQUIRED TO REPAIR**\\ What tools or spells would an Adventurer need to repair this structure? ☐ **REPAIR RECIPE**\\ What steps are required to repair this structure? ☐ **SALVAGE** \\ What resources, skills, tooling, and time are required to salvage materials from this structure? \\ What is the salvageable yield? ===== Worksheets ===== ^ Attribute ^ Structure ^ | Structure Description | | | Structure Use | | | Structure Game play | | ^ Attribute ^ Structure ^ | Structure Strength | | | Structure Endurance | | | Structure Agility | | | Structure Dexterity | | | Structure Speed | | | Structure Appearance | | | Structure Intelligence | | | Structure Will | | | Structure Awareness | | | Structure Ingenuity | | | Structure Reflexes | | | Structure Charisma | | ^ Subsystem ^ Structure ^ | Structure Category / Type | | | Structure Frame | | | Structure Hull / Cladding | | | Structure Power plant / Fuel / Cooling | | | Structure Controls | | | Structure Life Support / Medical | | | Structure Bays | | | Structure Optional Equipment | | | Structure Computers | | | Structure Networks | | | Structure Robotics | | | Structure Tools | | | Structure Armor | | | Structure Shields | | | Structure Screens | | | Structure Weapons / Ammo | | | Structure Sub-structures | | | Structure Services | | ===== Sub Structures / Features ===== Aerospace Traffic Control Altar / Shrine Amphitheater Apartment Block Aquarium Arsenal Assembly Astronomy Bakery Banking Bar Barracks Bathhouse Blockhouses (Defensive) Chemicals Synthesis Chicken house Child Care Camp Church Cinema Clerical Records Clinic Clothing Command Center Commercial Cargo Communications Tower Computer Equipment and Parts Construction Yard Consulate Courthouse Cranes (Star port?) Crystal Processing Station Data Center Daycare Disaster Response Dormitory Dumpster Duplex Electricity Grid, Recharge Pillar Embassy Entertainment Video Fire Station Food Court Fuels Fusion Reactor Garage Garrison Greenhouse (Auto-hydroponic) Hangar (Spacecraft) Hospital Jail Laboratory Law Enforcement Legal Services Library Lock down Brig Meteor Defense Microwave Receiving Antenna Military Base Observatory Office Building Police Station Post Office Power Generator Prison (Holding for Transport) Radar Tech. Recycling Repair shop Satellite Dish Shelter (Storm) Shipping Container Space Cargo Space Launch Spaceport Space Tracking Storage Storage Tanks Tank Farm Vehicle fueling Warehouse Waste Control Weather Monitoring Wind/Solar Power Array Station Zoo ▲ [[:Chronology:]]