====== SALVAGE SPACE: PERCEPTION ====== Adventurers frequently need to attempt perceiving hidden information in the course of an adventure. An **Awareness** attribute for the Adventurer provides initial support for checking whether or not an Adventurer perceives additional details using any or all of their senses combined. The **Awareness** attribute also supports a variety of specific Skills where practice or training may apply. A Guide may also provide additional suggestions or constraints based on the specific situation. Unskilled Adventurers may attempt these circumstances with a default -10 as the effective Skill level. ☐ **Animal Handling** \\ ☐ **Espionage** \\ ☐ **Fishing** \\ ☐ **Forward Observer** \\ ☐ **Gambling** \\ ☐ **Horsemanship** \\ ☐ **Hunting** \\ ☐ **Investigation** \\ ☐ **Listen** \\ ☐ **Photography** \\ ☐ **Prospecting** \\ ☐ **Reading (Lips)** \\ ☐ **Scouting** (include Reconnaissance) \\ ☐ **Searching** \\ ☐ **Sense Motives** \\ ☐ **Sneaking** (Stealth) \\ ☐ **Sniping** \\ ☐ **Spotting** \\ ☐ **Streetwise** \\ ☐ **Surveillance** (includes Shadowing) \\ ☐ **Surveying** \\ ☐ **Tracking** (Animal) \\ ===== Perception Bonuses ===== Many spacefarers develop heightened perception of some events from a lifetime of training. The sound of a suit or hull breach or the taste or feeling of flat or stale atmosphere may cause even sleepers to awaken in emergency mode. Planetside Adventurers may have encountered events in their past which grant a circumstantial bonus to the task at hand. Adventurers typically supplement sense-based perception with additional sensors and support. ===== Perception Penalties ===== The reality of space-faring creates many complications or distractions from successful perception. Spacesuit helmets may limit visual-based perception, forcing spacefarers to supplement with additional passive or active sensors. Spacesuits and life support equipment create constant background sound which could mask or tune out other subtle sounds of interest. Random machinery noises in spacecraft, outposts, colonies, and stations may constantly occur Spacefarers dealing with planetside reality may suffer from unfamiliarity with the environment. Similarly, planetsiders dealing with spacefaring reality may suffer from unfamiliarity with the environment. ▲ [[:Chronology:]]