====== SALVAGE SPACE: PLANTS ====== The [[Niecti]] main world hosts a stunning array of xeno-flora drawing biologists from across Alliance space. Corporate interest over exploration and harvest of some of these plants causes frequent conflict among corporations and between corporations and governments. Additionally, the longer settlers remain on the Niecti mainworld itself, the more they discover of how dangerous some of the plant-life can be to terranic life. Despite generations of increasing study, much remains to discover, especially within the seas of Niecti. Particularly troubling, evidence mounts that many of the same plant-forms exist on various moons across the star system and not just on the main world. Are these strains the production of intentional seeding and cultivation and past cross-contamination as a result of the xeno-war? Scientists struggle to search for these answers in the face of bureaucratic government constraints, frequently raising more questions than answers as a result. Meanwhile, rumors abound of illicit narcotics and poisons discovered and exploited by the less scrupulous. ▲ [[:Chronology:]] ~~DISCUSSION~~