====== SALVAGE SPACE: POWERS ====== Centuries past fully sequencing human genomes, those still describing these abilities claim they originate from misunderstood quirks or mutations of genetics. Others claim these abilities stem from mixing of genes between species over the centuries through uplifts and splices. ^ Source of SFX ^ Control ^ | [[#Genetics]] | Creating and harnessing untapped potentials of genetic combinations | | [[#Mutations]] | Harnessing new potentials of genetics unleashed through mutated genes | | [[#Xenobiological]] | Extra-terrestrial alterations or abilities | ===== Genetics ===== Through history, Humanity on different worlds experimented with controlled adaptation to different environments. ===== Mutations ===== Centuries of living and working in space exposed Humanity to many different sources of radiation from solar flares and cosmic rays to reactor accidents. These events cumulatively changed genetics in uncontrolled ways, causing future generations to manifest and express changes in abilities. ===== Xenobiological ===== Despite the [[Niecti]] star system providing the first concrete evidence of extra-terrestrial sentience, people throughout history claim visitations and experiments altering their minds or bodies. ===== Altered Abilities ===== [[Additional Limbs]] - able to manifest and control additional limbs [[Body Armor]] - able to manifest toughening of hide or skin up to armor plating or exoskeletons [[Burrowing]] - able to manifest strengthening of limbs to enable rapidly tunneling through the ground [[Cellular Resistance]] - able to resist cellular damage or contamination such as viruses and bacteria [[Chameleon]] - able to manifest chromatophoric alterations of hide or skin coloration or patterning [[Claws]] - able to manifest weapon-like claws or spikes [[Flight]] - able to manifest membranes or wings for gliding or flying [[Jumping]] - able to jump and leap extraordinary distances [[Paralyzing Touch]] - able to manifest a contact poison which can paralyze a victim [[Phasing]] - Conscious cellular control interacting with matter [[Regeneration]] - Ability to regenerate lost limbs or organs [[Shapechanging]] - Conscious control of Appearance [[Transformation]] - the ability to radically change appearance to an entirely different form [[Size Control]] - Conscious control over amount of increase or decrease of size [[Traction]] - able to grasp and hold matter tightly, including the ability to climb walls and ceilings ▲ [[:Chronology:]]