====== SALVAGE SPACE: REACTIONS ====== Once Adventurers choose their Action on their Turn, resolving that Action may provoke Reaction from the recipient of those Actions. These Reactions may even change the type of conflict underway. For example: A call to parley may de-escalate a wild fist fight. Broadly, the following Reactions commonly occur to Actions during conflicts: ☐ **SOCIAL CONFLICT** \\ * Persuasion attempts may trigger acceptance or resentment. * Deception attempts may provoke accusations of falsehood or further debate. * Seduction attempts may trigger hostility. * Intimidation attempts may trigger violence. * Bluff attempts may work, or get called out. * Parley requests may pause a conflict or not. * Taunting may have its desired effect. ☐ **MARTIAL CONFLICT** \\ * Movement may provoke opportunity fire or other attacks. * Aiming weapons may provoke dodging for cover if detected. * Attacks trigger blocks, dodges and other defenses. * Aiding others may succeed and restore a combatant. * Drawing, Sheathing, Reloading, or Holstering a weapon may trigger man different reactions. ☐ **VEHICULAR CONFLICT** \\ * Entering, Starting, Stopping, or Exiting the vehicle may change the direction of conflict into a race or chase. * Passing or Blocking may trigger counter moves. * Ramming, Sideswiping, or Dodging may trigger defenses. * Accelerating or Braking may trigger tactical changes from other drivers or pilots * Launching or Landing may trigger a multitude of events such as drawing fire. ☐ **SUPERNATURAL CONFLICT** \\ * Casting spells may trigger counterspells. * Invoking magical items may trigger defenses. * Using powers may trigger reactive powers. * Activating psionics may trigger defensive or retaliatory psionic abilities. An Adventurer's action resolves only once any triggered Reactions have resolved as well. ===== Defenses ===== Adventurers may employ passive or active defenses, including Synthetic Intelligence which may react under its own volition. * [[Armor]] * [[Shields]] * [[Screens]] * [[Magic]] * [[Powers]] * [[Psionics]] ▲ [[:Chronology:]]