====== SALVAGE SPACE: ROMANCE ====== Adventurers may resolve wooing (or fending off!) a possible love interest through a non-confrontational form of social conflict traditionally called romance. A particularly appropriate quotation or action may even ambush or surprise the possible love interest and kick off Turn by Turn rounds of action and reaction navigating the romantic encounter. The pursuer may choose actions and discussion topics they believe may engage and influence their love interest. The pursuer may also choose fundamentally honest or dishonest tactics leading to persuasion or deception attempts. The likes and dislikes of the love interest create the true land mines of the romantic encounter, and part of the fun of the chase in romance stems from finding which are which. When the suitor engages with topics of interest, they may earn bonuses to that turn's romance attempt. Or, they may unintentionally (or intentionally?) engage with topics of dislike and sour their romantic chances. The Intelligence, and Will attributes of both parties to the romantic encounter drive the [[Task Resolution]] and **Degrees of Success** results of each Turn of the romantic encounter, until one side or the other "wears down" the Will Reserves of the other and disengages or capitulates. Naturally, Appearance and Charisma count toward successful advances or resisting them. ☐ **Romance Example** \\ Domingo would like to get Krystyna's attention. He finally works up the courage to strike up a conversation in line with her at a coffee shop. Krystyna sizes him up and has a neutral or positive reaction and Domingo's opening words could give Krystyna a second reaction check. Taking a guess, Domingo's initial conversation revolves around coffee and he offers to buy Krystyna's coffee and invites her to sit and chat. Domingo checks his **Charisma / Persuasion** against Krystyna's **Awareness / Sense Motives**. Because exotic coffee is one of Krystyna's minor interests, Domingo gets a +1 modifier and succeeds, overcoming Krystyna's initial hesitation at accepting his invitation. ▲ [[:Chronology:]]