====== SHANDARA ====== Outer asteroid belt orbiting [[Hipparcos 1368]] | Distance | 2,166,584,353 km | * The third of four asteroid belts in the Niecti star system. * Called the "Outer" asteroid belt by the natives because it is outside of the furthest full planet in the system. * Only recently started to be colonized and explored, ahead of the reach of the Alliance Navy and AXAA. * Prompted the Alliance Navy to build its outsystem base on the moon Kamse. ===== Colonies ===== - Belaway - Dinasha - Kaztul - Rejarnipin - Ratmasuri - Chelgazmoka - Tanati - Chebri - Chammetoble ===== Outposts ===== - Spraner-Zenordie - Eptitirre - Mela-Nechin - Hedepsara - Nespene - Rarashutra ▲ [[:Chronology:]] or [[Planet Maps]]