====== SALVAGE SPACE: SPECIES ====== Salvage Space sits across the cusp of the Human species encountering extra-terrestrial species. Human colonization of the stars finds a star system littered with the wreckage of alien wars long past. How far has Humanity diverged from its original biological origins as it spreads across the stars? What Earth species has Humanity uplifted and brought with them as part of a wider definition of Humanity than found on Earth in the past? What place do Synthetic Intelligences have in the expansion among the stars? What is the definition of Human in the 43rd Century? ===== Combinational Variations ===== **Baseline Humanity**: Unmodified Humans tracing their roots to the distant Terran past. **Splice**: Baseline Humanity with additions, changes, or deletions. **Uplift**: Modified animal stock **Cyborg**: Cybernetic organism. A Human sentience in a mechanical/robotic body. **Transplant**: Human sentience in a cloned body. **H-Hybrid**: Human sentience in a cloned animal-stock body. **A-Hybrid**: Animal sentience in a cloned human-stock body. **Machinimal**: Animal sentience in a robotic animal-pattern body. **AI**: Synthetic Intelligence in a structure rather than a body which may use projections to interface. **MI**: Synthetic Intelligence in a machine or robotic body. **SI**: Synthetic Intelligence in a cloned or organically grown body. ===== Baseline Animal Uplifts ===== Since the beginning of the Synthetic Age (TL+1), Humanity incorporated increasing changes from, and in, various other forms of Terran life, greatly expanding the definition of Humanity. Known as Moreaus or Uplifts due to their pre-Space Age (Tl-1) origins in fiction, numerous traits from the more intelligent, adaptable, or useful inhabitants of Earth have ridden to the stars alongside and part of Humanity. **Moreaus / Uplifts**: * Ants * Baboons * Bonobos * Bottlenose Dolphins * Cats * Chimpanzees * Crows * Dogs * Elephants * Falcons * Horses * Octopus * Orangutans * Orca * Owls * Parrots * Pigeons * Pigs * Raccoons * Rats * Rhesus * Sea Lions * Sheep * Spiders * Squids * Squirrels * Whales ===== Species Factors ===== **DNA/Body Type**: What percent baseline Human? What splices or modifications? What percent Synthetic? What percent Animal? What percent Robotic? **Sentience**: What percent Human? What percent splices or modifications? What percent synthetic? What percent Animal? ===== The Future ===== Frequent rumors circulate of secret breakthroughs made from studies to adapt and incorporate alien DNA and sentience patterns to Humanity. Time will tell if a third Species Factor appears. **Origin**: What percent Terrestrial? What percent Extra-Terrestrial? ▲ [[:Chronology:]]