====== SALVAGE SPACE: TERROR ====== How much courage does an Adventurer have when risking their fragile existence to shine a light into the darkest places? The constant risks faced at the frontiers of space can take a mental toll on the hardiest explorers and adventurers. The [[Niecti]] star system offers more chances than most for an Adventurer to test their courage and willpower against the darkness. Truly alien and incomprehensible ruins scattered across the system contain countless dangers and horrors only whispered about among the explorers and salvage operators. Terrifying things can, and will, happen to explorers who carelessly push too far into the unknown without proper preparations and a healthy dose of caution. Each time an Adventurer experiences a near miss, or mysterious unexplainable scare, their willpower to continue fades. Everyone has their breaking point. A successful salvager's trick comes from getting out with the valuable finds before they hit theirs. Worse, competitors may attempt to terrify the Adventurers through threats such as blackmail. ☐ **Terror Example** \\ Michel, a salvager, explores a wrecked transport apparently attacked by pirates. Before entering the wreck, Michel finds damage and debris causing him to suspect a pirate attack. Imagining what he might find, he fails a **Will** check to continue exploring, losing some **Will Reserve** and beginning to have doubts about continuing on. Deeper into the wreck, Michel encounters a victim confirming the wreck was boarded and atrocities committed. Michel again tests his **Will** to continue, and failing, loses more **Will Reserves** growing even more uneasy. Shortly thereafter, Michel encounters another victim of the pirates. Failing another **Will** test and losing more **Will Reserves**, Michel has had enough and retreats from the wreck with little to show but unsteady nerves. ▲ [[:Chronology:]]