====== SALVAGE SPACE: TREASURE HUNTING ====== The [[Niecti]] star system restored a long lost opportunity to the Alliance: treasure-hunting. Centuries ago, fortune-hunters explored every corner of Earth. As Humanity spread to the stars, the opportunities to hunt for treasures mostly fell to scientists looking at obscure astrological, geological, or biological facts unique to the new worlds. Most of Humanity simply colonized those worlds following the corporate or governmental handbooks of the day. The rote settlement of the stars lost its sense of adventure for many and settling new worlds hardly rated a mention in the news. Then the corporations opened the [[Niecti]] star system and found massive alien starship graveyards and countless installations across the moons and planets of the system. Suddenly the new frontier offered the long lost promise of untold riches just waiting for the hand bold or lucky enough to seize them. ===== Treasure Hunting Risks ===== Adventurers should consider the task and the risks carefully, but many foolhardy treasure seekers skip this and take off ill-prepared never to be heard from again. Xeno-archeological embargoes enacted by the Alliance Xeno-Archeological Agency (AXAA) and enforced by the Alliance Navy do little to deter treasure seekers from equipping and sending expeditions to loot the ancient alien starships, stations, or groundside installations. Despite the risks, Adventurers may choose to participate in a treasure hunting expedition, or even mount one of their own. Tall tales of big scores and methods to chase them float through dockside bar conversation constantly. The rumored risks seem to fall into 3 main categories: * Dark dangers lurking within the wrecks or installations waiting to ambush the unwary * The Alliance seizing assets and imprisonment if caught with unlicensed artifacts * Underworld brokers hijacking the recovered artifacts for their own profit Who to believe? What to do? How to win despite the risks? ▲ [[:Chronology:]]