Pre-game: Adventurers may socialize, share blue-book encounters, review previous session notes, or finalize any downtime updates.

At the agreed time, begin playing the game:

  1. Describe the scene and situation
  2. Give each Adventurer, NPC, and Opponent their turn choosing what they will do in that situation
  3. Resolve each choice or interaction according to the rules.
  4. Loop back to step 1 to find out what happens next?

Describing The Scene

Many gaming groups employ “Theater of the Mind” simply describing the locations of everyone in the scene.

Groups who gather together physically may place battle maps or grids, with miniature figures to track location and situation during encounters.

Groups may also gather virtually using “virtual table top” (VTT) software or services to replace the physical table and maps with computerized versions.

All three methods may work together for some game groups, such as virtual table top software managing the map for a group gathered physically together via a shared screen or projector.

Within the scene or encounter, the Guide describes the overall situation.

The Guide should weave these into a story capturing that moment of the action for the Adventurers to imagine.

If the group uses physical or virtual table top maps, the Guide can update the locations and facing of NPCs or Opponents as well as any “fog of war” virtual map features if used.

The Adventurers' Turns

Once the scene is set, each Adventurer takes their turn, with the Guide taking the turns of the NPCs or Opponents in their time.

Before their turn, the Adventurer should prepare anything needed to decide possible choices of action, as well as keep track of everyone else's actions for situational awareness.

When its their turn, the Adventurer may ask anything needed to help choose their Adventurer's action in the moment, before they commit to a course of action.

The Adventurer then describes their chosen action in the form of a story about their Adventurer.

Resolving The Action

If there is a chance of failure for the action, an interaction with an NPC, or conflict with an Opponent, then the success or failure of the chosen action may require a dice roll against an Ability, Skill, or Special Effect to resolve.

The Guide works with the Adventurer to describe the result of the chosen action in the form of a additional story.

If used, maps are updated as necessary for each action and its result such as moving miniatures or tokens, changing facing, or altering terrain, objects, or visibility as necessary.




Looping Back




If there is more session time, return to the beginning to describe the next view of the scene or encounter.

If closing in on the session end, describe the cliff-hanger for the next session.

Additional Resources

Campaign Logger
Campaign Table Top
Roleplaying Tips #0178 - 5 Post-Session Player and Campaign Development Tips
Roleplaying Tips #0198 - The Session Checklist: Ingredients To A Successful Game Session Part I
Roleplaying Tips #0199 - The Session Checklist: Ingredients To A Successful Game Session Part II
Roleplaying Tips #0266 - A Guide To Session Notes
Roleplaying Tips #0284 - Blogging Your Game Sessions
Roleplaying Tips #0352 - Know Your Players - Building Your Session Checklist
Roleplaying Tips #0358 - Know Your Players Part 2 - Building Your Session Checklist
Roleplaying Tips #0441 - Reduce Session Cancellations with an On-Call Player
Roleplaying Tips #0537 - Minis In Sessions - 20 Tips (Tactical and Story)
Roleplaying Tips #0581 - The First 15 - A Key GM Technique For Great Game Sessions
Roleplaying Tips #0608 - Session-Ender Narration Tool
Roleplaying Tips #0703 - GMing Your First Game Session - d12 Tips
Roleplaying Tips #0714 - Panicked Prep for Next Session
Roleplaying Tips #0737 - Explosive Session Starts Part 1: The Cajun Spice List
Roleplaying Tips #0738 - Explosive Session Starts Part II: Stakes and Consequences
Roleplaying Tips #0740 - Explosive Session Starts Part III: The Encounter Pyramid
Roleplaying Tips #0743 - What Should You Do With First Sessions?
Roleplaying Tips #0772 - GMing Your First Game Session - d12 Tips
Roleplaying Tips #0811 - Do This Now Every Session For Easy World Building
Roleplaying Tips #0916 - A Quick Tip On Session Prep
Roleplaying Tips #0959 - Two Fun Ways To Add Games To Your Sessions
Roleplaying Tips #0985 - Fix Session Problems Before Game Day By Doing This Simple Exercise
Roleplaying Tips #1022 - How Do Your Pace Game Sessions Well?
Roleplaying Tips #1025 - Get Into Gamespace Faster With A Good Session Warm-Up
Roleplaying Tips #1032 - d6 Ways To Spice Up Next Session
Roleplaying Tips #1061 - 3 Quick Tips For Taking Session Notes
Roleplaying Tips #1082 - 3 Tips For Better Sessions
Roleplaying Tips #1087 - Better Session Kick-Offs -- The Warm Up Trick
Roleplaying Tips #1094 - Checklist: Compelling Session Alerts
Roleplaying Tips #1100 - Unpack Last Session To Loopy Plan Next Game
Roleplaying Tips #1127 - How To Help New Players Have A Blast With Their First Session
Roleplaying Tips #1144 - 7 Ways To Improve Virtual And Online Game Sessions
Roleplaying Tips #1172 - 9 Ways To Prep For Sessions Faster
Roleplaying Tips #1174 - Visual Aid Session Prep With The Five Room Dungeon
Roleplaying Tips #1176 - How To Start Every Session With A Bang!
Roleplaying Tips #1185 - How Can You Take Fast Notes During Sessions?
Roleplaying Tips #1197 - 3 Ways Your Players Can Help You Out Next Session
Roleplaying Tips #1206 - d6 Tips For A Player's First Session
Roleplaying Tips #1215 - How To Create Engaging Session Recaps To Get Players Ready To Play

Chronology :: ◢ References: Resolution