-10 Prehistoric Before fire
-9 Stone Age Paleolithic, Ice Age
-8 Bronze Age Ancient Egyptian, Ancient Greek, Ancient Chinese
-7 Iron Age Ancient Greek, Ancient Roman
-6 Middle Ages ~500-1400AD Medieval, Medieval Fantasy
-5 Renaissance ~1400-1500
-4 Age of Sail/Exploration ~1500-1760 Pirates, Swashbuckling
-3 Industrial/Technological Revolutions ~1760-1914 Old West 1780-1920's, Horror 1890's-1920's
-2 World War I and II ~1914-1945 Pulp 1920's-1930's
-1 Atomic/Nuclear/Space Age ~1946-1970's Atomic Age Horror 1945-1970's, Superhero Era 1940's-1970's, Espionage Era 1940's-1980's, Space Age 1960s-1980s
0 Information Age ~1970s-2020s (Now) Modern, Modempunk, Modern Conspiracy/Horror 1990's-
+1 Synthetic (Biological/Intelligence) Age ~2020-2199 Tomorrows, Cyberpunk
+2 Stellar Age ~2100+ Conquest of the Solar System, Transhumanist, After the Apocalypse (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, Technological, Ecological)
+3 Slower-Than-Light Interstellar Age
+4 Massless Faster-Than-Light (Communication) Moving energy/information only above c
+5 Mass Faster-Than-Light (Travel) Moving energy/information and mass above c
+6 Faster-Than-Light Interstellar Age Interstellar Expansion, Post-Scarcity, Federation
+7 Galactic Age Interstellar Empires, Decadent
+8 Extragalactic Age
+9 Pre-Ascendant the Krell, Markovians, Xeelee, limited mass/energy conversion and control
+10 Post-Ascendance After the Singularity, Post-Instrumentality, total mass/energy conversion or control

Note: From TL+2 (Stellar Age) onward, multiple technology levels become possible in a setting as different distant locations diverge in their technological capabilities and social conventions.
