Potions, elixirs, ointments, salves, poultices, pharmaceuticals, medicines, and more …

Addiction Therapies:
Prevent or break the addictive effects of substances from affecting the Adventurer.

Adrenaline Enhancers:
Increase adrenaline-triggered effects of Reflex reponses, physical Speed or Strength.

Adrenaline Suppressors:
Reduce adrenaline-triggered effects panic or elevated stress levels.

Prevent or reduce anxiety and anxiety-induced distraction allowing improved focus.

Counteract the effects of other compounds, pharmaceuticals, poisons, or toxins.

Reduce inflammation, pain, and swelling, especially from hand-to-hand or melee conflicts.

Reduce or prevent radiation exposure or damage.

Naturally-derived or synthetic analogues of compounds from living organisms with medically useful properties.

Cognitive Enhancers:
Improve the accuracy or speed of cognition such as learning, memory, and thinking processes including psionic abilities.

Cognitive Suppressors:
Reduce cognitive ability such as thinking processes, such as psionic blockers or “truth serums” which block thinking through consequences.

Cryosleep Inducers:
Triggers biological hibernation or suspended animation to slow progress of medical conditions or endure long-duration space flight including faster-than-light travel between star systems.

Endorphin Stimuators:
Increase euphoria and pleasurable feelings and provide some pain relief.

Hormone Therapies:
Stimulate increased hormone levels, with hormone-specific effects.

Increased Ingenuity or creativity and experience altered perceptions of reality.

Immunity Enhancers:
Reinforce the immune system to reduce or prevent the effects of infections or diseases caused by bacteria, parasites, or viruses.

Manic Suppressors:
Reduce or prevent impulsive, manic, or reckless behaviors

Muscle Relaxers:
Reduce or remove tension and improve recovery from physical over-exertion.

Neural Regulators:
Stabilize chenical response of neural pathways improving emotional control and reducing fear.

Destabilize neural pathways to impair physical or mental functions such as inducing fear ro blocking neural paths entirely, possibly leading to injury or death.

Decrease or block pain from illness or injuries.

Fatigue reducing mood enhancers.

Alter the emotional or mental state.

Sleep Inducers:
Sedatives to trigger or deepen the ability to sleep and increase the recovery effects from sleep.

Increase strength or endurance, typically through muscle growth.

Increase awareness and postpone or reduce fatigue and effects of sleep deprivation.

Supplemental nutrients not synthesized within the body.
