Fundamentally, Adventurers weigh which of their Attributes, Skills, and SFX Abilities gain them the most benefit when deciding on which Actions to take in a Conflict.

However, the Adventurer on the offensive does not control all of the factors which decide whether their Action succeeds or fails.

The Guide may apply specific modifiers to the situation.

But, truly, no set of guidelines could anticipate or include every possible factor affecting these decisive moments.

Rolling dice to help resolve the Action stands in for all the other possible factors.

When pressing the offensive during a conflict, Players commonly call these “to-hit rolls”.

Players may consider alternatives and change their mind deciding which different actions they might take until the dice hit the table.

Once the Player rolls for success after declaring their intention, they commit their Adventurer to take that Action and gain whatever benefits or face whatever consequences may come.

Once committed, the Opposed Attribute Score Test determines success or failure.
