As Humanity colonized the stars, and medical technologies improved, most of the dangerous effects of microorganisms diminished further and further into history.

The further Humanity moved into space, the more obvious it became that “life” was exceedingly rare to non-existent across the stars.

Colonization efforts became more lax on biological compatibility testing and quarantine procedures the further into space people pushed.

All of that changed when explorers first opened the Niecti star system for exploration.

Finding a main-world teeming with primitive life exposed colonists to new xeno-biological threats never encountered before, forcing accelerated treatment discoveries and adaptations for the early settlers.

Compounding the danger, careless salvage hunters and pirates who raid the drifting alien derelicts bring an escalating threat of broken quarantine and wildfire exposures to never-before-seen xeno-biological microorganisms.

Increased Alliance Navy presence brought frequent and aggressive-enough patrols to reduce the quarantine failures to only very sporadic outbreaks.

Despite the dangers, fortune hunters and dreamers continue to flock to the less-scrupulous salvage operations chasing “the big score” while denying that a xeno-biological contamination outbreak could ever happen to them.
