More commonly seen on the Core Worlds than out in the fringes, electromagnetic screening technology expanded the traditional concepts of layered shield and armor defense.

Electrical: deflect and discharge electrical strikes

Flare: improve survivability of solar flare exposure

Magneto-Kinetic: reduce or deflect incoming kinetic strike from micrometeroids or weapons of war

Lase: defect, absorb, or discharge incoming laser strikes

Psionic: deflect or disrupt psionic probes

Sonic: deflect and disrupt incoming sonic attacks

Screen Attributes

All Screen have at least an Endurance Attribute, and Endurance Reserves.

Absorbing Strikes and Effects

If a successful type of strike matches the type of protection offered by a defender's screen, the strike may be deflected, absorbed, or negated.

Any remaining effect or damage from a partially screened strike applies to the defender's shield (if any) then armor (if any).

Accumulating Damage

Damage may accumulate against the screen's Endurance Reserves and Endurance in the same manner as for an Adventurer.

Damage Resistance

If the Screen possesses a Damage Resistance Special Effects (SFX) ability, then the damage resistance is subtracted from the total damage taken in a strike before being applied to the screen's Endurance Reserves.

Screen Crafting

An artisan with the Ingenuity/Engineering (Screen) skill can craft a custom-order screen.

Screen Upgrades

An artisan with the Ingenuity/Engineering (Screen) skill can customize, upgrade, or improve screens.

Screen Repair

Successful Ingenuity/Engineering] (Screen) skill can restore screen Endurance Reserves replacing burnt out components and recharging.

Screen Salvage

Adventurers may sometimes salvage functional projector, control, and energy modules from damaged screens.
