Damage applies to Attribute Reserves and its related Attribute Score.

When Attribute Reserves reach 0, subtract 1 from the related Attribute Score and reset the Attribute Reserves to 10.

Use the lowered Attribute Score for Attribute checks until the Attribute Reserves heal or recover.

Continuing Damage

If wounds cause 1 or more points of Attribute Score loss, then the wound is serious enough that damage continues to accumulate each round.

For each whole Attribute Score point lost in a single attack, an additional point of Attribute Reserves damage applies each round until the wounded receives first aid.

Example: if a single hit causes 34 points of Attribute Reserves damage, then the affected ability is lowered by 3, with an addition 4 points of reserve damage applied.

Additionally, 3 more points of reserve damage will be applied the next round, and all following rounds, until first aid is received or the wounded runs out of ability and reserves.

Critical Attribute Loss

Critical Attribute loss occurs if cumulative Damage forces an Attribute to -10 and the Attribute's Reserve is then reduced to 0.

Each Attribute has a specific effect if Critical Attribute Loss of that Attribute occurs.

Damage Types

Different attack types may cause Damage to different Attribute Reserves.

Initial Damage Effect Values And Ranges

1-4d6 +/- 0-10 adds dice pool = 1-24 points +/- 0-10 = capped 0 to 34 vs. ENDURANCE RESERVE


Damage Resistance

Below a certain amount of damage in a single strike, the armor or shield may simply absorb the damage with little material reduction in structural integrity.

Damage Reduction

If the Damage received is above the armor's Damage Resistance, then Damage occurs to the Armor and to the Adventurer wearing it.

The Armor absorbs/deflects some of the damage, but is, itself damaged in the process.

The Adventurer personally suffers the rest of the incoming Damage as an Endurance Reserve loss for Melee, Ranged, and Explosive attacks.

The Adventurer may also suffer Awareness Reserve damage from Ranged and Explosive attacks in the form of hearing loss.

Finally, an Adventurer may suffer Will Reserve damage from the concussive force of Explosive attacks.


One point of lost Attribute Reserve is regained per day.

When an Attribute's Reserve recovers back to a value of 10, the related Attribute increases by 1, up to the Adventurer's maximum value for the Attribute, and the Attribute's Reserve resets to 1.


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