Awareness represents the Adventurer's overall command of their senses and perception, as well as ability to pay attention to those senses and hunches.

For Humans, this represents the five physical senses, and a sixth sense of intuition, or supernatural perception not easily measurable by current science.

For simplicity, Awareness checks can apply to the Adventurer's use of any of their senses.

Specific conditions, such as temporary or permanent blindness or deafness, can apply negative modifiers to task checks which primarily use that specific sense, rather than penalizing all Awareness checks by lowering the Attribute Score.

-10 Oblivious to events transpiring around them.
0 Average Human awareness and senses.
+10 World-renowned for their uncanny acuity or perceptions.

Also Known As

Psyche, Sense, Perception, Alertness, Cautiousness


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