Chronology includes a large number of topics to aid Adventurers and Guides creating and sharing their story.

Almost all of these topics are optional, intended to expand and deepen the ability to generate ideas and story at the table.

Start playing quickly with a small core set of concepts below, and add any additional pieces as desired.

Materials Needed For Play

🧠 Imagination
📝 Paper and pencils for taking notes
🎲 2 x white six-sided dice and 2 x red six-sided dice

Commonly-Used Optional Materials:
▦ Square graph paper for mapping interior areas
⬡ Hex graph paper for mapping exterior or outdoors areas
📏 Rulers for measuring line of sight
♟︎ Miniature Figures, Pawns, or Counters for tracking where everyone is on a map

Core Topics

Core Mechanic - Dice-rolling for effect of random factors and luck on the success or failure of risky actions
Attributes - The fundamental capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses of the Adventurers
Attribute Reserves - The Adventurers' capacity for action or taking damage
Skills - What can the Adventurers do? How well?
Skill List - A list of Skills which Adventurers may master
Task Resolution - Does an Adventurer fail or succeed a task? By how much?
Magic Levels - Which magical abilities exist within the setting, if any?
Technology Levels - Which technological abilities exist within the setting, if any?


1. One who adventures; as, the merchant adventurers; one who seeks his fortune in new and hazardous or perilous enterprises.
2. A social pretender on the lookout for advancement.

GUIDE, n.17)
1. A person who leads or directs another in his way or course, as in a strange land; one who exhibits points of interest to strangers; a conductor; also, that which guides; a guidebook.

ROLE, n. 18)
A part, or character, performed by an actor in a drama; hence, a part of function taken or assumed by any one; as, he has now taken the role of philanthropist. Title role, the part, or character, which gives the title to a play, as the part of Hamlet in the play of that name.


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