Adventurers and Guides should agree on the types and amounts of magic within their games and settings.

Fantasy settings may include Sorcery, Wizardry, and Witchcraft.

Modern settings may include Occult, Magicians, Mystics, Powers or Mutants.

Futuristic settings may include Psionics.

Magic Levels for a setting derive from:

  • The absence or presence of natural magic in the environment, possibly channeled, directed, or used to fuel sorcery.
  • The presence, or absence, of supernatural beings such as demigods or demons who grant divine or infernal magical abilities.
  • The ability, or lack, for individuals or groups to harness or channel supernatural abilities for wizardry or witchcraft.
  • Whether or not extraordinary powers or mutations are latent in the population's genes.
  • Whether or not psychic or psionic abilities are latent within the brain waiting to be tapped.

The Magic Level Scale

The Magic Level scale helps place the relative answers to questions such as:

How magical is the setting?

What magical forces have been discovered so far?

What magical forces may remain to be discovered?

How prevalent in world and the population are magical abilities through history?

-10 Non-Magical Magic and supernatural forces do not and cannot exist in this world.
-9 Singularly Magical Only one person in history was magical, and their power cannot be replicated by any known means.
-7 Magical Antiquity Tales of magic exist exist only in myths.
-5 Once Magical Magic once existed in the world, was lost, but could be recovered through mighty change.
-3 Past Magical Magic existed recently, and may still be rarely practiced, but is considered unexplainable paranormal or charlatan trickery.
-1 Nearly Magical 1-in-10000 may master magical power, but may be disbelieved or tried for heresy.
0 Magical 1-in-1000 may develop or master magical powers. Magic, Powers and Psi Extremely Rare
+1 Early Magical 1-in-25 may develop or master magical powers. Powers and Psi appear.
+2 Rise of superstitions and witchcraft as map is explored
+3 Frequently Magical 1-5 may develop or master magical powers. Science and Technology fade
+4 Superstition and Witchcraft Common
+5 Supernatural Magic appears
+6 Supernatural Magic gains
+9 Natural Magic supersedes Divine and Supernatural Magics
+10 Natural Magic is pervasive
Designer's Note
It is a matter of faith and opinion regarding Earth's current Magic Level.

Salvage Space: Magic Level