Setting Timelines

Creating a setting implies a depth of historical events and personages leading to the present day.

Creating a setting also implies a roadmap of planned future events which a Guide uses to inform setting changes over time.

Specific adventures may also rely on a timeline of programmed events driving the plot forward.

Creating Timelines

To create the outline of your setting timeline:

1. List out three (3) world-shaking events for each of the Technology Levels and Magic Levels leading up to the current time of your campaign or setting.

2. Then, for the final or current Technology Level and Magic Level of your setting, list three (3) or more key events within each of five (5) “eras” of the world adapting to that final advancement.

The five eras to consider are Exploration, Exploitation, Extermination, Expansion, and Enhancement.

Exploration: When a new technology or magic appears, there are the first intrepid explorers to harness or tackle it.

In America, this could be the exploration of the western territories.

Exploitation: As adoption of the advance spreads, there are those quick to jump in for both noble and nefarious purposes.

In America, this could be the settlement of the west and its period of lawlessness.

Extermination: Once exploitation proceeds far enough, or the lawlessness gets too severe, structured authorities move in and stabilize events by eliminating or exterminating the most excessive abuses.

In America, this could be the lawmen and Army patrolling increasing areas of the westward territories.

Expansion: Once advancements stabilize, traders increasingly and more efficiently expand the advance bringing improvements to speed and reduced costs through efficiencies and economies of scale.

In America, this could include the expansion of telegraph and railways into the western territories increasing trade.

Enhancement: The final or current area of the technological or magical advance comes to the widespread integration and adoption by everyone where it becomes a fact of life taken for granted … which also creates more problems which restart the cycle of advancement that leads to the next Technological or Magical Level.

In America, this could include anyone being able to simply get in a car, bus, train, or plane and traveling anywhere in the country they want, on a whim.

Salvage Space: Timeline

Additional Timeline Resources