
The science of time ; the method of measuring or computing time be regular divisions or periods, according to the revolutions of the sun, or moon ; of ascertaining the true periods or years when past events too place ; and arranging them in their proper order according to their dates. ~ An American Dictionary of the English Language, Noah Webster, 1828

The Chronology Role-Playing Game (RPG) provides starting guidelines, references, and advice for storytelling experiences shared among friends or enjoyed solo.

Salvage Space

Salvage Space builds an example science-fiction setting upon the Chronology RPG guidelines.


Chronology RPG is well along in development and can be used for testing scenarios and basic adventures.

But, it is not yet complete or fully play-tested so all parts are still subject to change without warning.


The Chronology RPG builds upon a 2d6-2d6 system where each roll generates a normalized probability of -10 to +10, centered on zero as average.

Tasks are basically your Attribute Score, modified by your Skill Level, modified by any circumstances or difficulty modifiers and the 2d6-2d6 roll which represents the influence or effect of every other factor not covered by the guidelines in that moment.

This results in a Degree of Success from -10 (total failure) to 0 (barely succeeded) to +10 (stunning success).

There are a dozen balanced physical and mental Attributes such as Strength, Intelligence, etc.

There are more than a hundred Skills based on those Attributes, covering a wide range of role-playing activities.

The Chronology RPG allows for play from the prehistoric ages through to post-physical ascendance measured on a technology level scale.

This design supports supernatural abilities such as magic, mutant powers, and psionic abilities.

Finally, the Chronology RPG framework brings together setting, props, character, and plot components in a way to help adapt books, movies, shows, or other games for play.

Section 1: Setting




Section 2: Props

Personal Equipment



Section 3: Actors

For Adventurers For Guides
Actors Creating Actors

Attributes and Reserves

Advantages and Disadvantages


For Adventurers For Guides
Species Creating Species

Origins and Backgrounds

Education and Professions


Special Effects

Non-Player Characters


Section 4: Plots

For Adventurers For Guides
Plots Creating Plots

Plots and Complications

Session Zero


Skill and SFX Resolution



Social Conflicts

Martial Conflicts

Supernatural Conflicts

Progression and Downtime



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