The Guide helps the Players navigate the Adventurer creation steps and provides suggestions on System and Setting choices which might help the Player fit the Adventurer to their concept.

The Guide should pay close attention and mine these discussions and choices for possible Rewards for both the Players and the Adventurers which can be used in future Adventure and Mission design.

To host a session zero, put the following on a poster board to make sure it is all sorted before the end of the evening:

  1. Introduce the setting world
  2. Introduce the sandbox region, if used
  3. Introduce the books / materials needed
  4. Introduce core mechanics
  5. Discuss and agree house rules and social contract (what is/is not fair game)
    1. Introduce the X-card system by John Stavropoulos
    2. Introduce the Lines and Veils system by Ron Edwards
    3. Introduce the Script Change system by Brie Sheldon
    4. Introduce the Safe Hearts system by Avery Macdaldno
  6. “Roll up” Adventurers
  7. “Roll up” 3 Enemy or Rival, 3 Neutral, and 3 Ally (3x3x3) NPCs for the Guide
  8. Create connections between individual Adventurers
  9. Merge Adventurers into party or team
  10. Connect Adventurers and their NPCs to their home base, if used
  11. Decide who makes maps?
  12. Decide who writes journals?
  13. Decide who keeps notes?
  14. Decide who speaks for party (if anyone)?
  15. Agree what happens if someone cannot show?
  16. Agree how to handle distractions like mobile devices
  17. Discuss how to handle individual Adventurer deaths
  18. Discuss how the overall game story ends, before it begins (retirement? mythic status?)
  19. Set date, time, and location for session one
  20. Decide who is bringing what such as food, snacks, and drinks

Additional Resources

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