Like people in real life, Adventurers may have over-arching goals they secretly or openly strive for.

What does the Adventurer strive to achieve with their life when they pull on their boots in the morning and take the risks they do?

Players should feel free to play their Adventurer toward any Goal they deem appropriate for the Campaign or Story.

Players can consult this example list of Goals for inspiration or create their own.

Retire comfortably

Champion a cause

Build a successful business

Teaching others

Complete a personally challenging event

  • Climbing the near impossible
  • Running well beyond the horizon
  • Survive an extreme
  • Overcome a fear
  • Let go of the past

Win the top challenge of a competitive sport


  • Find a truth that has eluded others
  • Be the first to go there
  • To see it all by going there
  • To learn and master a new idea


  • Find the perfect “one”
  • The trials and tribulations of offspring
  • The joy of companions
  • Reconnect with old friends

To build or have

  • The dream place
  • The dream vehicle


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