First impressions count.

When an NPC meets an Adventurer for the first time, roll 2d6-2d6 to gauge the NPCs reaction or first impression of the Adventurer.

Use each Adventurer's Appearance Attribute to modify the NPC Reaction roll if the first impression occurs by sight.

Use each Adventurer's Charisma Attribute Score to modify the NPC Reaction roll if the first impression occurs by voice such as a telephone call or audio only channel.

Take a moment to reflect on the story of why this NPC has that specific reaction to the Adventurer.

Note the roll result and possible keywords for reasons on the NPC note for future reference.

Use this result to modify the NPCs social interactions with the Adventurer.

Roll separately for the NPC reaction to each Adventurer and make these encounters richer as NPCs show different reactions to different interactions.

For negative first impressions, keep a count of successful interactions with the NPC despite the negative modifier, and reduce the modifier over time as the NPC overcomes their first impression due to a more storied history.

This becomes another form of Progress, Reward, or Treasure in the form of “Experience Points” with an NPC earned directly through social conflict roleplay.

Reaction Example

Two rough-looking Adventurers, Parker and Cleo, meet an informant, Myron, for the first time in a sleazy bar.

Myron the Informant's First Impressions of Parker and Cleo
Adventurer Appearance Charisma First Impression Roll Result
Parker -4 -4 -2 -6!
Cleo -1 -2 +2 +1

At the meeting, Myron sizes up Parker by looks before Parker speaks.

Parker's Appearance of -4 starts him at a disadvantage for a first impression.

Myron rolls -2 for his first impression, which combined with Parker's Appearance nets Myron a first impression of Parker as -6, generating an instant, rather large dislike.

Myron also sizes up Parker's partner, Cleo, by looks.

Cleo's Appearance of -1 starts her off at a small disadvantage, but not nearly as severe as poor Parker.

Luckily for Cleo, Myron rolls a +2 for his first impression, netting him a +1 for his reaction to Cleo, generating a small, favorable impression.

As a result, Myron focuses on Cleo and prefers addressing her directly, while minimizing interaction with Parker.

If Parker says or does the wrong things in Myron's view, this may generate even more irritation in Myron.


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