Robotics are computer-driven machinery capable of actions and movement similar to Adventurers.


-10 Prefire
-9 Stone Age
-8 Bronze Age
-7 Iron Age
-6 Middle Ages ~500-1400AD clockworks
-5 Renaissance 1400-1500 clockwork automata
-4 Age of Sail/Exploration 1500-1760
-3 Industrial/Technological Revolutions 1760-1914 Powered automata
-2 World War I and II 1914-1945 Torpedoes, guided bombs and missiles
-1 Atomic/Nuclear/Space Age 1946-1970's Industrial automation
0 Information Age 1970s-~2020 (Now) personal consumer robotics, drones, swarms
+1 Synthetic (Biological/Intelligence) Age ~2020-2199 fully autonomous robots, early androids
+2 Stellar Age 2100+ Improved robots and androids
+3 STL Interstellar Age robots, androids, synthetics fully integrated into Humanity
+4 Massless Faster Than Light (Communication) distributed robotic intelligence
+5 Massy Faster than Light (Travel) distributed robotics
+6 FTL Interstellar Age ubiquitous robotics
+7 Galactic Age
+8 Extragalactic Age
+9 Pre-Ascendant
+10 Post-Ascendance

Note: From TL+2 (Stellar Age) onward, multiple technology levels become possible in a setting as different distant locations diverge in their technological capabilities and social conventions.


Robots posses, or grant, bonuses or penalties to the following Attributes:

  • Strength (-10 to 0 to +10) - durability?
  • Endurance (-10 to 0 to +10) - ability to take damage?
  • Agility (-10 to 0 to +10) - penalty or bonus to wearer agility?
  • Dexterity (-10 to 0 to +10) - penalty or bonus to wearer dexterity?
  • Speed (-10 to 0 to +10) - penalty or bonus to wearer speed?
  • Appearance (-10 to 0 to +10) - attractiveness - FIXME penalty or bonus to wearer charisma?

Where Computers only have mental abilities, Robots also have physical abilities like Adventurers:

So called “smart robots” add electronics, computers, bioengineering, and synthetics bringing mental abilities into play:

  • Intelligence (-10 to 0 to +10) - penalty or bonus to intelligence?
  • Will (-10 to 0 to +10) - penalty or bonus to willpower and will-based activity such as spellcasting, mysticism, or psionics?
  • Ingenuity (-10 to 0 to +10) - penalty or bonus to creativity - could include illicit or illegal compounds?
  • Awareness (-10 to 0 to +10) - penalty or bonus to awareness?
  • Reflexes (-10 to 0 to +10) - penalty or bonus to reflexes?
  • Charisma (-10 to 0 to +10) - penalty or bonus to others perception of you?

Robotic control computer construction abilities:



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