Consider the Adventurers' Awareness or perceptions using a common, simple model of the senses.

Is vision obscured or enhanced?

Is hearing prevented by environmental noises or headgear?

Is the sense of smell overpowered or blocked?
Does a smell trigger a memory?

Is it warm or cool?
Is it still or vibrating?
Is it pressing gently or sharply?
Is it pressing lightly or hard?

Is it salty? sweet? bitter?
What sense of smell could associate as well?

“Sixth” Sense
How does the situation make the Adventurer “feel”?

For greater variety, include some of the dozens of additional, less commonly-considered senses, such as a “sense of hunger.”

Awareness Skills

Animal Handling
Awareness extends to empathy and judgement of an animal's current state.

Awareness can engage multiple senses depending on the Espionage task at hand.

Awareness of the particular body of water, the habits of the local wildlife, and fish habits as well as patient watching.

Forward Observer
Awareness combined with Ingenuity to spot and report troop movements, as well as of the prevailing conditions for calling artillery missions and more.

Awareness helps judge the “tics” and state of the gambler's opponents, but does not help when gambling against machinery.

Awareness of the horse temperament as a specialized form of Animal Handling which can affect working with the horse to resolve specific rider tasks.

Awareness of the terrain, prevailing weather or conditions, seasonal vagaries, and much more supports the ability to successfully find, trap, stalk, or hunt wildlife.

Awareness of the situation or the “hunches” felt when questioning someone drive successful investigations.

Awareness focused on hearing and possibly Willpower to quieten the mind to truly hear what may be there.

Awareness of the subject and its surrounding and situation help capture the best images.

Awareness, especially “reading the land” can make all the difference between a successful hunt for resources and a dry well.

Reading (Lips)
Awareness of the nuances of speech, combined with ability to focus without distraction on the speaker can enhance this already useful still.

Scouting (include Reconnaissance)
Awareness hones the scouts' ability to observe, gather, and report the important details of an area of interest.

Awareness improves the ability to methodically explore an area for hidden details.

Sense Motives
Awareness can provide insight into the possible hidden agendas behind seemingly innocent conversation or actions.

Sneaking (Stealth)
Awareness of the surroundings and their personal situation within them enables an Adventurer to pass through an area with less chance of detection.

Awareness of prevailing conditions and a subject's movements allow a sniper to choose the opportune method and moment to strike most effectively.

Like Forward Observer, Awareness drives the spotter's ability to accurately pick out the points of interest, monitor them, and report accordingly.

Awareness of surroundings and the background of an area can avoid trouble or enable opportunities that others could miss.

Surveillance (includes Shadowing)
Awareness focused on a specific subject allows gathering additional detail and clues.

Awareness helps more accurately collect and gather the details and relationships of a measured area.

Tracking (Animal)
Awareness of the terrain, surroundings, food, water, and other details important to an animal help an Adventurer track down that type of animal.

Salvage Space: Perception

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