Non-Player Characters can provide services which Adventurers need and cannot provide for themselves.
Who do the Adventurers seek out for repairs and customizations to armor and weapons?
When Adventurers cannot decide the best course of action, perhaps an expert can advise?
Do the Adventuers require a specialized piece of gear or tool they cannot create themselves?
Hacking While everyone in space operates and understands computers as part of daily life, some specialists excel at computer use and abuse and may share that expertise for the right price.
Introductions or Connections
Someone who knows someone who can help the Adventurers overcome otherwise insurmountable obstacles.
Mechanics, Architects, Shipwrights
Who can customize, upgrade, or repair the Adventurers' vehicles?
Risk-taking or accident-prone Adventurers may frequently need to contract with a medical specialist.
Who can craft custom software for computers or robotics to meet Adventurers' specific needs?
Who has greater skills or abilities than the Adventurers themselves available for hire?
Who can customize, upgrade, or repair the Adventurers' specialized equipment or gear?
Who can train Adventurers in new skills or greater techniques of existing skills?
Availability and Cost
Availability and costs of services may change due to the NPC reactions to the Adventurers.
Fantasy setting services include smiths, guilds with training, and consulting with oracles.
Modern setting services allow upgrading gear, introductions and connections.
Future setting services allow accessing specialized skills, designs, or labor.
Additional Resources
Roleplaying Tips #0141 - City Services
Roleplaying Tips #0757 - Character Home Bases Part 1
Roleplaying Tips #0742 - How To Stop The Abuse of Your NPCs