A group of Adventurers typically bring a diverse skillset to solving the problems they encounter.
But, no group can do everything better than everyone else.
There are times the group of Adventurers must reach out and avail themselves of the services of others.
Armorers can customize or repair armor and weapons.
Consultants can advise on risks and course of action or provide introductions and open doors to opportunity not normally available to the Adventurers.
Fabricators can design or create specialized pieces of gear or tools.
Hackers can reconnoiter or infiltrate computer systems for the Adventurers.
Mechanics can upgrade, customize, or repair a variety of vehicles.
Medics may frequently need to patch up unlucky Adventurers.
Programmers can create custom software applications for Adventurers' specific requirements.
Specialists may hire out to provide their specific Skills and abilities to groups who do not already have them.
Technicians can upgrade, customize, or repair many types of Adventurers' gear.
Trainers can teach Adventurers new skills and abilities or help improve existing ones.
Availability and costs of services may vary depending on the location and Adventurers' abiltiy to negotiate.