No group of Adventurers can command every skill or ability required to meet the challenges of the Salvage Space frontier.

The Adventurers may have to engage expert Services from outside of the adventuring group to reach their goals.

A specialist offers their specific profession, skill, or capability for hire or trade.

Adventurers may engage a specialist to train or mentor them developing or improving Skills.

The Adventurers may hire additional “muscle” for security or mercenary action against others, but expect to pay hazardous duty rates or bonuses depending on the reputations of the threats or targets.

A variety of Specialists the Adventurers may retain:

  • Actors
  • Appraisers
  • Climbers
  • Counterfeiters
  • Demolitions Specialists
  • Divers
  • Drivers
  • Engineers
  • Forgers
  • Investigators
  • Magicians
  • Medical Specialists
  • Mountaineers
  • Navigators
  • Negotiators
  • Pilots
  • Programmers
  • Prospectors
  • Psionicists
  • Researchers
  • Saboteurs
  • Sailors
  • Scientists
  • Scouts
  • Snipers
  • Surveyors
  • Survivalists
  • Swimmers
  • Teachers
  • Trackers


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