Adventurers should do more than exist day-to-day and mission-to-mission.

How will the Adventurers prosper from the opportunities of Salvage Space?

What possible obstacles must they overcome?

A campaign describes a series of adventures or misadventurers that lead to Adventurers potentially reaching a long-term goal.

Suggested campaigns and a variety of potential Adventurer professions common to each:
Surveying - Explore this frontier star system and unlock the mysteries it holds
Colonization - Settle the frontier and harvest its resources
Military - Tame the frontier and bring order to the scattered settlements
Merchant - Build and lose fortunes trading among the settlements
Adventuring - Bring unique talents to the growing frontier civilization
Underworld - Sometimes even good people find themselves in bad circumstances


Scientists, loners, and risk takers pushing back the boundaries.

☐ Academician
☐ Archaeologist
☐ Climber
☐ Explorer
☐ Explorer Contact
☐ Explorer Scout
☐ Field Researcher
☐ Hunter
☐ Mountaineer
☐ Nomad
☐ Pilot
☐ Prospector
☐ Salvor
☐ Scholar
☐ Scientist
☐ Scout
☐ Scout Courier
☐ Scout Exploration
☐ Scout Survey
☐ Ship Crew


Rough and ready builders turning the desolate and inhospitable depths of space into places to live and work.

☐ Belter
☐ Belt Miner
☐ BioTechnician
☐ Bureaucrat
☐ Cavalryman
☐ Civil Engineer
☐ Colonial Administrator
☐ Colonial Marshal
☐ Colonial Troubleshooter
☐ Colonist
☐ Communications Repair
☐ Cop
☐ Detective
☐ Engineer
☐ Fire Fighter
☐ Doctor
☐ Hacker
☐ Hazardous Chemical
☐ Investigator
☐ Laborer
☐ Launch Emergency Team
☐ Launch Facility Repair
☐ Law Enforcement
☐ Law Enforcement Agent
☐ Marshal
☐ Maverick Cop
☐ Medtech
☐ Official
☐ Paramedic
☐ Physician
☐ Pilot Interface
☐ Pilot Orbital
☐ Pilot Shuttle
☐ Policeman
☐ Ranger
☐ Roughneck
☐ Search and Rescue
☐ Security
☐ Security Officer
☐ Software Jockey
☐ Surface Operations
☐ Surgeon
☐ Technician
☐ Workganger
☐ Workgang Supervisor


Professionals fighting those who would tear down civilization.

☐ Army
☐ Army Cavalry
☐ Army Infantry
☐ Army Support
☐ Artillerist
☐ Aviator
☐ Battlearmor Trooper
☐ Belt Guard
☐ Coast Guard
☐ Colonial Marine
☐ Combat Engineer
☐ Commando
☐ Diplomat
☐ Flight Instructor
☐ Flight Officer
☐ Government Administrator
☐ Government Field Agent
☐ Government Law Enforcement
☐ Government Official
☐ Government Spy
☐ Guard
☐ Guard Unit
☐ Gunner
☐ Infantry
☐ Intelligence Agent
☐ Marine
☐ Marine Ground Assault
☐ Marine Support
☐ Maritime System Defense
☐ Mechanized Infantry
☐ Medic
☐ Military
☐ Navy
☐ Navy Crew
☐ Navy Engineering
☐ Navy Flight
☐ Navy Gunnery
☐ Navy Line
☐ Orbit Guard
☐ Pilot Military
☐ Rifleman
☐ Ring Guard
☐ Sharpshooter
☐ Sniper
☐ Soldier
☐ Space Agency
☐ Space Force
☐ Special Forces
☐ Starmarine
☐ Starship Bridge Officer
☐ Starship Commander
☐ Starship Deckhand
☐ Starship Engineer
☐ Surface Defense
☐ Vehicle Crew

Merchants and Troubleshooters

Connecting resources, goods, and people.

☐ Attorney
☐ Bodyguard
☐ Capitalist
☐ Commercial Spacer
☐ Company Agent
☐ Corporate
☐ Corporate Agent
☐ Corporate Citizen
☐ Corporate Colonist
☐ Corporate Executive
☐ Corporate Intelligence
☐ Corporate Official
☐ Corporate Worker
☐ Dock Worker
☐ Free Trader
☐ Independent Trader
☐ Merchant
☐ Merchant Marine
☐ Sarariman
☐ Spacer
☐ Spacer Crew
☐ Trader


Getting in and out of trouble while enjoying the infinite variety of life among the stars.

☐ Adventurer
☐ Artist
☐ Athlete
☐ Bounty Hunter
☐ Boxer
☐ Broker
☐ Calligrapher
☐ Dancer
☐ Dilettant
☐ Entertainer
☐ Entertainment Agent
☐ Escape Artist
☐ Fencer
☐ Gymnast
☐ Journalist
☐ Juggler
☐ Lifter
☐ Martial Artist
☐ Media
☐ Musician
☐ Noble
☐ Noble Administrator
☐ Noble Dilettante
☐ Noble Diplomat
☐ Painter
☐ Performer
☐ Politician
☐ Rocker
☐ Reporter
☐ Sculpter
☐ Skater
☐ Skier
☐ Skydiver
☐ Sports
☐ Swimmer
☐ Translator
☐ Wrestler


Even good people sometimes face unfortunate circumstances and do what they must to survive.

☐ Assassin
☐ Brawler
☐ Burakumin (Gangster)
☐ Dealer
☐ Drifter
☐ Driver
☐ Enforcer
☐ Extralegal
☐ Face Man
☐ Fence
☐ Fixer
☐ Gladiator
☐ Guerilla
☐ Gunslinger
☐ Hustler
☐ Kuruma (getaway)
☐ Mercenary
☐ Netrunner
☐ Ninja
☐ Organlegger
☐ Pirate
☐ Private Detective
☐ Rogue
☐ Samurai
☐ Scavenger
☐ Scrounger
☐ Shooter
☐ Sleight of Hand Artist
☐ Smuggler
☐ Spy
☐ Street Surgeon
☐ Street Tough
☐ Surveillance
☐ Thief
☐ Unemployed
☐ Wanderer


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