Using personal charisma or a position of authority to command or lead others, rally those with broken morale, or push hirelings to greater effort.

Who shall carry out the commands?

What are they commanded to do?

Example commands:

  • Ambush to
  • Attack to
  • Clear to
  • Close item
  • Cover area
  • Defuse item
  • Deploy item
  • Fire at will
  • Follow to
  • Hold fire
  • Hold position
  • Lead to
  • Open item
  • Rally
  • Regroup to
  • Run to
  • Sneak to
  • Sabotage item

Where? (optional)
Carry out the commands at which mission waypoint?

Make a Charisma/Command check with a 2d6-2d6 roll to get a Degree of Success.

Degree of Success Command Outcome
-10 Mutinous insurrection against the commands
0 Commands accepted
+10 Inspired commands which legends rise from


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