If the group uses tabletop maps to track combat, place a marker on the map for each Adventurer and opponent.

Markers come in many forms such as beads, coins, stones, chess pawns, cardboard stand-up tokens, or fully sculpted miniature figures.

Creating miniature figures and matching terrain provide a fun hobby activity on their own which also bring a great amount of value for tabletop role-playing.

Map scales and miniature figures come in an amazing variety of details and scales.

Many tabletop role-playing games derive their scales from historical war-games where maps use 25 millimeter or 1-inch hexagons or squares and the figures fall in the 25-28 millimeter height.

Depending on the desired sizes of the combat areas, other scales such as 15 millimeter may serve.

Model railroading scales can help match figures and terrains.


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