World orbiting Hipparcos 1368

A desert world littered with wrecks and breaker yards.


Distance 55,006,545 km
Radius 2293 km
Gravity 0.32G
Orbit Period 118.83 days
Rotation 194.6 hrs
Mean Temp 187K/-86C
Atmosphere None
Habitability Inhospitable

Orbited By: Aketi Ring

Sirona Colonies and Outposts

Map of Sirona Colonies and Outposts
(click to enlarge)


Colony Latitude Longitude
Bescine 46.90N 119.08E
Sajit Kararahul 50.27N 21.71E
Shtonakota 34.21S 132.62W
Takunsist 69.43N 179.26W


Outposts Latitude Longitude
Adatvena 25.05N 135.06W
Ara Kurayabhatra 30.15S 143.08E
Dinic-Edishy 40.31N 55.18W
Dirrastrum 36.23N 56.95W
Einsotion 49.15N 35.19W
Jaedlad 25.49N 131.21E
Jairula 65.58N 144.53E
Kanik 59.80N 94.92W
Maaose-Vesseadimi 12.26S 176.41W
Maasutama 40.29S 80.20W
Moinouhast 10.46N 137.72W
Mussukti 37.36S 104.42E
Piriret 34.62N 48.82E
Praveleli 54.12S 87.05W
Vichno Tialot 1.53N 16.70W
Voisel-Veenik 38.72S 145.53W

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