Also known as Gliese 14, BD +45-50, and frequently called Akai Hoshi by the inner system locals or Nyota Nyekundu by the outer system locals.

Spectral Class M0 (Red)
Mass .469 sol
Radius .603 sol
Luminosity 0.049 sol
Position (36.81,2.75,32.03)
Distance 48.86823 lightyears from Sol
Inner Life Zone 0.13 AU
Outer Life Zone 0.18 AU

Hipparcos 1368 star system

Orbited By: Jittania World, Niecti Mainworld, Sirona World, Ekiri Inner Gas Giant, Kasama Inner Asteroid Belt, Jahannam-Argosa Planetary System, Sahiba Middle Asteroid Belt, Probuerrim Outer Gas Giant, Shandara Outer Asteroid Belt, Tandra Far Asteroid Belt

Life Zones: Jittania orbits inside the inner life zone at 0.1 AU, the inner life zone starts at 0.13 AU, Niecti orbits at 0.17 AU, just inside the life zone outer edge at 0.18 AU.

Additional Catalogue Names: BD+40 45, Gl 14, TYC-2786-906-1, LHS 1053
SIMBAD Catalogue Entry

The primary star of the Niecti system, surrounded by the “Sunfire” solar orbit stations harvesting power to supply the FTL ships that visit, and the “Sunflower” agricultural stations.

Numerous other stations exist such as solar monitors, and FTL communications.

The Alliance are not the only ones with FTL communications - the “pirate radio” communications in the Tantalk Cluster over Jittania offer a a way to circumvent Alliance communications blackouts or restrictions.

Some wonder how long remains before an Alliance warship is tasked to deal with this situation.


None in orbit over Hipparcos 1368 itself.

Estimated 99 established colonies throughout the system.


Three hundred seventeen charted outposts exist across the system including the following eighteen outposts orbiting Hipparcos 1368 itself:

Six Sunfire Stations in close orbits recharge and refurbish the jump ships.

Sunfire Station Additional Roles
Alkazarre Defensive platform, Alliance Navy base
Axiore Command and network coordination, Alliance administration
Metxibatu Entry Port, Trade, primary communications for the network
Sunshuni Primary power harvesting control during jump charging
Sunurasthi Solar observatory, space weather, tracking and traffic control
Sunuta Sunfire and jumpship maintenance tender and repairs

Twelve Sunflower Stations in solar orbit within the star's “life zone” function as agricultural stations.

Sunflower Station Ecological Biome
Andilore Tropical savannah
Ashdenade Tropical rainforest
Dviman Saddha Desert
Etvinde Mediterranean
Itello Temperate grasslands
Jandustunik Temperate forest
Ponendson Boreal forest or taiga
Ramusatreya Arctic tundra
Sedene Wetlands
Simota Mountainous regions
Siva Pomo Tropical monsoon forest
Slavjamira Oceanic climate

Possibly hundreds of additional but uncharted outposts exist throughout the Kasama Inner Asteroid Belt, estimated from on-going Alliance Navy surveys of ship movements.

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