Planetary system orbiting Hipparcos 1368 with Argosa

Another mystery in a star system packed with them, the Jahannam-Argosa planetary system attracts many kinds of scientists eager to study the dynamics of multiple worlds sharing the same solar orbit in a stable configuration, while still possessing a ring system and moon.

Additional factors such as location between the Kasama inner asteroid belt and the Sahiba middle asteroid belt, along with AXAA interest in protecting caches of xeno-archeological artifacts found in this planetary system and nowhere else pushed the Alliance Navy to establish their outer system base on the moon of Kamse within the planetary system.

Furthermore, increased unlicensed salvage operations within Shandara and Tandra far asteroid belt drove the Alliance Navy to establish additional outposts in the Antia ring within the planetary system rumored to contain state-of-the-art sensors, tracking, and synthetic intelligence capability.


Distance 265,560,938 km
Radius 4253 km
Gravity 0.8G
Orbit Period 3.45 years
Rotation 31 hrs
Mean Temp 108K/-165C
Atmosphere 5.53 atm (He 51%,CO2 18%,N2 15%,O2 3%)
Water / Ice Index 20.27
Habitability Inhospitable

Orbited by: Antia Ring, Kamse


  1. Vanka
  2. Rellanic
  3. Trete Jasrova
  4. Ottolgo
  5. Etemque


  1. Girtsu-Euso
  2. Nakoboja
  3. Alysis
  4. Zodi
  5. Etfirrim
  6. Irtessehnen
  7. Vondenn

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