Outer asteroid belt orbiting Hipparcos 1368

Distance 2,166,584,353 km
  • The third of four asteroid belts in the Niecti star system.
  • Called the “Outer” asteroid belt by the natives because it is outside of the furthest full planet in the system.
  • Only recently started to be colonized and explored, ahead of the reach of the Alliance Navy and AXAA.
  • Prompted the Alliance Navy to build its outsystem base on the moon Kamse.


  1. Belaway
  2. Dinasha
  3. Kaztul
  4. Rejarnipin
  5. Ratmasuri
  6. Chelgazmoka
  7. Tanati
  8. Chebri
  9. Chammetoble


  1. Spraner-Zenordie
  2. Eptitirre
  3. Mela-Nechin
  4. Hedepsara
  5. Nespene
  6. Rarashutra

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