World orbiting Hipparcos 1368


Distance 14,804,057 km
Radius 3306 km
Gravity 0.52G
Orbit Period 16.59 days
Rotation 0 hrs
Mean Temp 387K/114C
Atmosphere 0.16 atm (N2 37%,O2 32%,CO2 17%,SO2 3%)
Habitability Inhospitable

Orbited By: Tantalak Cluster

Colony Latitude Longitude
Egorro-Bogiraho 10.52N 97.03E
Riniskihul 42.22S 167.29E
Cisidiret 8.14N 35.14W
Outpost Latitude Longitude
Bome 83.42N 141.93W
Coavand Impact 37.08S 67.22W
Idatu 34.56S 165.53W
Maahemi 14.09S 70.73E
Piridiga-Okiperski 17.61N 75.49E
Trave 332 6.92N 22.05E
Shamayati 5.01N 141.39W
Me Vina 71.90N 81.04W
Boriche 37.70N 72.83W

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